Page 27 - Racing To Excellence-4
P. 27

                     Introductory Address · Bowie State Universityntroductory Address · Bowie State University

         I’m looking to the future. And the future, again, I see as bright.

         As I look around this campus, there are so many examples of

         excellence.  There’s  outstanding  and  innovative  research,

         teaching and scholarly activities that demonstrate excellence

         in  education.  Such  as  Dr.  Hoda  El-Sayed,  professor  in  the

         Department  of  Computer  Science  who  was  recognized

         recently by the Board of Regents and received an award for

         excellence  in  innovation  after  having  served  as  a  principal

         investigator on  a  Department  of  Defense  grant  to  acquire  a

         Cray supercomputer. And then, there’s Dr. Kimetta Hairston,

         professor  of  the  Department  of  Teaching,  Learning,  and

         Professional Development who was recognized with an award

         for  her  teaching excellence.  And  then  we  have  the  EI                                          2

         program for research that’s underway and looking at how we

         bridge the classrooms into the workplace and the community.

         And there are countless examples among the faculty across

         this campus.

                              Introductory Address · Bowie State Universityntroductory Address · Bowie State University
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