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                    Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State Universityall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University

         I know you are thinking, well I just arrived; but the time will

         pass  quickly  and  important  questions  for  you  are:  What  will

         you do with your time here and what legacy will you leave?

         Students,  what  I  already  know  about  you  because  you  are

         here  today,  is  that  you  are  bright,  and  capable  of  achieving

         academic  excellence,  graduating  from  BSU,  and  achieving

         your dreams.

         I  also  suspect  that  as  you  sit  here  today  that  some  of  you

         were able to traverse your earlier educational experience with

         relative ease to arrive at this point, while others traveled along

         a bumpier and perhaps less certain road. Whatever path you

         took,  take  pride  and  savor  the  journey  and  your


         You have arrived.

         Each  first-year  class  is  unique.  This  year  we  have  a  record

         number  of  students—1,077  students  (up  12.3%  from  last

         year). While most of this class hails from the various counties

         within  the  State  of  Maryland,  19  states  and  the  District  of

         Columbia are  also  represented.  This  first-year  class  also

         includes  international  students  from  Saudi  Arabia,  Nigeria,

         India, and Cameroon.

                              Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State Universityall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University
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