Page 11 - Racing To Excellence-4 (Soft Cover)
P. 11

                    Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State Universityall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University

         Early on in your academic experience, students, you will be

         asked to declare an area of study, and while you will choose

         your  discipline—education,  psychology,  biology,  chemistry

         etc.,  I  challenge  you  to  go  a  step  beyond  and  ask  yourself

         and challenge yourself: “to what end will I use my knowledge,

         unique  talents  and  abilities?  What  is  the  purpose  for  the

         education  and  learning  I  will  acquire  here  at  BSU?"  For  all

         that you will learn and take from BSU, to what end will you

         use that knowledge?

         Nelson Mandela once said that “What counts in life is not the

         mere  fact  that  we  have  lived.  It  is  what  difference  we  have

         made to the lives of others that will determine the significance

         of the life we lead.”

         Students, the bar has been set high for you, but I know you

         can  reach  it.  You  see  you  are  walking  in  the  footsteps  of

         students  who  have  left  indelible  marks  and  remarkable

         examples  for  you  to  use  as  a  guide  …  individuals  such  as

         Christa  McAuliffe, for  whom  we  have  named  one  of  our

         residence  halls.  She  set  her  sights  high  and  became  an

         outstanding  teacher.  In  1985,  she  was  selected  from  more

         than 11,000 applicants to participate in the NASA Teacher in

         Space  Project  and  was scheduled  to  become  the  first

         teacher in space to conduct experiments from Space Shuttle


                              Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State Universityall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University
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