Page 32 - Racing To Excellence-4 (Soft Cover)
P. 32

                     Introductory Address · Bowie State Universityntroductory Address · Bowie State University

         And  when  I  scan  this  region  and  see  companies  and

         businesses  that  are  looking  to  universities  to  ensure  a

         talented  workforce,  I  see  opportunity  for  partnerships  and

         collaboration toward ensuring economic vitality for this region,

         while also advancing our educational mission.

         There’s great opportunity to grow the endowment — building

         on the success of the $15 million campaign. How wonderful to

         have  surpassed  the  $15  million  fundraising  goal!  That  truly

         deserves  a  round  of  applause!  And  as  an  advancement

         person, I have to set the next line, and anyone in fundraising

         knows,  we  can’t  stop  there.  We’ve  got  to  keep  that

         momentum  going  because  there  is  still  need  among  our

         students.  There  is  still  need  to  have  the  resources  that  we

         need to continue the excellence that is here.

         And as president, I will advocate for supports necessary for

         Bowie  State  University  to  operate.  There  is  opportunity  to

         garner and advocate for the resources needed to support the

         academic  mission,  promote  the  success  and  history  of  the

         university, and  to  support  the  development  and  growth  of

         distinctive and niche academic programs. With the Board of

         Regents, in concert with the Chancellor, and a focused and

         strong  leadership  team,  I  am  optimistic  that  Bowie  State

         University            will continue  to  demonstrate  the  value  for

         supporting public higher education.

                              Introductory Address · Bowie State Universityntroductory Address · Bowie State University
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