Page 3 - Make Your Home Office Conducive to Work.
P. 3
Make Your Home Of ce Conducive to Work
Think Twice About an O ce Phone
Depending on the nature of your work, you may or may not need a phone in your o ce. If your work
entails making calls, then certainly include a phone but for those working at home that don’t need the
phone to work, it may be best to leave it out of the o ce altogether. Just let the answering machine or
voicemail pick up the calls and return them after work.
Keeping Your O ce Private
All too often, the home o ce becomes the catchall of the entire home and before long, it can get so
cluttered that you don’t want to work in your o ce at all. Make it a rule in the beginning that this is
your o ce and not a storage area for the family’s casto s. If you are serious about your space, chances
are your family members will be as well and you will be able to work in the space you have created
without extraneous clutter.
Make Your Home Of ce Conducive to Work