Page 3 - Performance of Graduates in Licensure Examination Narrative Report
P. 3

After their clinical and academic graduation, the students

      will again undergo an intensive national review. This time

      they will be affiliated to a review center and join the daily
                                         intensive review.

      The faculty remains in communication with the graduates

                    and gives them an utmost moral support.

         On the day of the board exam, the faculty will join the

       board takers for encouragement and boost their morale.

      The faculty also serves as an aid-responder to the takers in
     case there are untoward incident that may arise during the

                                            board exam.

         After the release of the board exam results, successful

           passers are invited for a motorcade, recognition and

             testimonial program attended by all the students.

     During this time, the student nurses have a chance to listen

     to the testimonials of the new board passers and serves as

                                            a motivation.

          Even at the oath taking ceremony the faculty is at full

     support to welcome our former students turned colleagues

       and serve as a witness on their oath taking ceremony as
      they embark on the beginning of their professional career.
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