Page 146 - 臺北心綠動封面封底封側封折(無出血)_Float
P. 146
Greening UP ark
Stroll Through Taipei City
Zhongzheng District | North Gate Square
The North Gate in The North Road and walk through this
Gate Square is also called historic gate that stood there
Chengenmen. It was built in the for 130 years. The historical
Qing Dynasty and was one of momentum can be felt here
the five major gates of the Taipei and it also added an important
City. In recent year, in the West landmark to the cit y. T h e
District Gateway project, the landscape design of the square
approach road was demolished integrates the elements of these
and some landscape projects periods: the railways and three
were carried out to restore it lines in the Japanese occupation
and recover the appearance it period, the positioning and
deserved. Now citizens can enjoy piling methods of the ancient
the scene of the gate from Taipei city walls construction in the
Station, Yanping Road and Bo'ai Qing Dynasty, and so on.