Page 32 - Taipei City Strategic Planning for Park and Green Space System International Monograph
P. 32
Greening UP ark
2015 Taipei City Green Space Extension Act
The garden city policy of Taipei City is considered as an “Green Space Extension Act”. In
addition to transform the forgotten public or private open space in the corner of the city, it is
also creating a public farmland to encourage people to grow vegetables on their own balcony
and in the courtyard. This act is deeply integrated with the life of the citizens. Through the
participation of community planners, the community green beautification, and counseling
mechanism, the Taipei citizens joined in the action of expanding the green environment of
Taipei City. Therefore, encourage urban farming behavior, assist people whom are interested in
urban farming to find practicable land. Listing some of the result of urban farming promotion
includes “Happy Farmland” in Fujian Village, the roof farm in Jin'an village, “Happy Farm” on
Roosevelt Road and the first rural park “ Jingqin No.1 Park”.
Urban Children's Playground 2.0
Since 2015, the Playgrounds in Taipei city have also present a new look and thinking under
the efforts of cooperating between "Parks and Playgrounds for Children by Children”,
related groups, government, construction company, academics and direct users. In 2016, the
Taipei World Design Capital, Taiwanese team “City Yeast” and Spanish team “Basurama”
collaboratively proposed the project -“Re-create Taipei, Taipei Neighborhood Park Reversal
Project”. the aftereffect of the project prompted the Taipei city government Parks and Street
Lights Office to start promoting feature parks and inclusive playgrounds in 2016. The "Play for
All" spirit of communion sharing, learning, and playing has become a craze, triggering a series of
playgrounds redesign actions. The social movement of the credesigning park has also extended
many merits and discussion, lead to shorten the distance between lives of citizens and the value
of public space communion.
Nowadays, the design of the park is no longer just about creating urban green space, reducing
hard pavement, or planting more trees. Looking to the future, Taipei City faces various issues
such as climate, environment, humanities and social development. Establishing a sustainable
urban park /green space is much more important and need to be considered in the designing
process. However, the construction of the park/green space in Taipei City is no longer a single
task. In recent years, Parks and Street Lights Office (as the manager of the parks /green spaces
in the city) had taken the park/green space as a kind of food chain in the city. Each of the park
/green space is interlocking and has a causal relationship, so it is necessary to execute more
long-term research, investigation and evaluation in order to propose a more comprehensive
blueprint for the development of the park /green space system. Through the professionalism of
landscape planners, the introduction of aesthetics and scientific thinking will not only improve
the environment, but also have a sense of design, in order to gradually realize the important task
of the development of Taipei City Park.