Page 7 - Florida Sentinel 10-15-21
P. 7

    Motivational Speaker Shares Thoughts On Race In America
  October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month:
Virtual Seminar On Triumphing Over Traumas
 Donald L. Dowridge, Jr., known for his 29-year track of being a Motivational Guru continues to amass many accolades to his God- given gift of Em- powering and Inspiring. He's been heard on our local radio stations with "The Motivational Mo- ment," likewise has de- livered 14 great books with two notables, "The Power Of Being A Win- ner" and the aforemen- tioned of the same name: "Motivational Moments!"
It should be likewise noted, February 2022 will mark "13 years" Dowridge will portray one of America's great- est abolitionists, "Fred-
erick Douglass," in many cities within these United States.
As we approach the holiday season, don't forget to have fun with Dowridge as he re- turns with another fa- vorite character, "Santa Claus" where he was rec- ognized by The Tampa
Times as “The Bay Area Best Santa!”
Over the years, Dowridge has been featured in many articles and write-ups through- out the nation, lately you can see him appearing in the new USA TODAY 120-page Special Edi- tion, "Race In America!" On page 113, he gives his thought on Race In America over the past year. Be sure to pick up your copy and read more of what Dowridge has to say.
“Don't forget to also take in the many more articles centering on Our Race and how we as peo- ple are moving the nee- dle forward even in this climate of COVID!”
   In recognition of Do- mestic Violence Aware- ness Month, Building Strong Families, Inc., will host the “More than a Conqueror: Triumph- ing Over Trauma” vir- tual webinar on Saturday, October 30, 2021, from 11 a. m. to 1:15 p. m. through Zoom.
The session will focus on healing from the memories from trau- matic experiences (e.g., assaults, childhood memories, etc.), tri- umphing over abusive relationships (e.g., ver- bal, emotional, physi- cal), and resources for getting the help needed. The session also will ad- dress how family and friends can provide sup-
port in the right way. The speakers in- clude: Jen Shtab, a Coordinated Commu- nity Response Trainer from the Spring of Tampa Bay, Sarah Smith, a Licensed Men- tal Health Counselor from At One Counseling Services, and Dr. Benetta Wholuba, a licensed clinical psychol-
ogist and trauma super- visor with Orange Park Medical Center.
The webinar is open to everyone, any age and gender. There is no cost to attend the webinar, but pre-registration is required by Octo- ber 18, 2021. The ZOOM meeting ID, passcode and seminar materials will be emailed to those who pre-regis- ter.
For registration in- formation, contact Dr. Pauline Rivers, Founder and President of Building Strong Fam- ilies, Inc., at 813-759- 0260 (office) or visit ingstrongfamiliesof-

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