Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 9-27-19
P. 13

    Tampa Native Is Honored By Texas State Board Of Education
 BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Loretta Lindsey Burns
wins the State Board of Education’s 2019 Heroes For Children Award
Loretta Lindsey Burns, a Tampa native and 1968 graduate of Howard W. Blake High School, was honored last Friday (September 13th) in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Mrs. Burns, a current resident of Arlington, Texas, was one of 15 recip- ients statewide who received the pres- tigious “2019 Heroes for Children Award.” The award is bestowed on volunteers who have made outstand- ing contributions to student learning.
She was also recognized for Parent Advocacy.
Dubbed the “Fort Worth Inde- pendent School District (ISD) Volun- teer Leader,” Loretta Burns
State Board of Education’s 2019 Heroes ForChildrenAward.
founded the AB Christian Learning Center, in Ft. Worth in 2006. The
center provides academic enrichment programs in the Fort Worth commu- nity.
As an outgrowth of this work, Mrs. Burns started the Freedom School fir parents in 2014. This is a free six-week program that focuses on summer reading and cultural enrich- ment for disadvantaged students.
Mrs. Burns serves in leadership roles for a number of organizations and groups.
Mrs. Burns has been married to Bobby Burns for 38 years. They are the parents of three children.
Mrs. Burns earned her MA De- gree from the University of Arlington, TX. She was an award-winning Forensics Auditor for the Housing and Urban Development Office of the Inspector General. She retired from HUD in 2008.
     Middleton-Blake Football Game Is Friday, Sept. 27th
  Tampa’s annual Middleton-Blake High School Football game will be played Friday, September 27, 2019 on Middleton’s campus, 4801 N. 22nd Street. Kickoff is at 7 p. m.
Shown at the host Tigers’ recent Bar-b-Que Tailgate Fund Raiser are new Middleton Head Football Coach Mike Williams and two of his players, left to right, 2019-2020 Mr. Middleton Runner-Up, Roshard Jackson and Mr. Middleton Tico Allen.
Tickets for the game are on sale this week at Middleton and at Blake, 1701 N. Boulevard. Jesse Salters is Blake’s principal and Tia Brown is Middleton’s principal.
 Get It Straight Foundation Participating In Abe Brown Legacy Walk
  Irene & Joe’s Lawn Service and Get It Straight Foundation volun- teered for The Abe Brown Legacy Walk at Middleton High School at the Abe Brown track. The Walk was held on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2019. Shown are: Foundation founder, Mr. Rechi Butler, left, the late great Abe Brown’s picture on banner, Quran Watts, Armwood High School, Jacoby Jackson, Brooks DeBartalo High School, Aumodd McKay, Hillsborough High School, and Tyrone Williams, Irene & Joe’s.

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