Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 4-17-20
P. 13

   NFL Players And Local Leader Stimulate Black Business And Provide 1,040 Meals To Elderly Amid COVID-19
    Eric and Dex assisted with getting the 1,040 meals delivered to elderly res- idents.
    Outside the Reed Building as they prepare to deliver meals to the elderly residents while practicing social distancing are: Akeem Spence, former Bucaneer, currently with the Jacksonville Jaguars, whose foundation spearheaded this event; Lorenzo Bryant, Director, Assessment, Tampa Housing Authority (THA); Bishop Thomas Scott; Luis Blondin, Senior Assessment Manager, THA; Bucs Rakem Nunez-Roches (Nacho), Orian Stewart and Will Gholston.
Volunteers practicing social distancing prepare to deliver the meals to Encore res- idents.
Bishop Thomas Scott answered questions outside 7th and Grove about the project to provide meals to the eld- erly.
Typically, Tampa football play- ers are known for their defense on the field with an occasional collab- oration in the community during their season. Recently, Akeem Spence (Former Buccaneer and 2019 Jaguar) teamed up with cur- rent Tampa players after speaking with Bishop Thomas Scott, to develop a defense for seniors.
“With COVID-19 (Coronavirus) impacting resources around the country, focusing on our most vul- nerable population was priority one,” said Bishop Scott. The col- laboration was designed to limit seniors’ exposure to the public, equip residents with needed sup- plies and food while supporting local Black business.
Standing in the front doorway of Ybor City’s 7th and Grove and preparing supplies for distribution,
Spence told local news media that he consulted with Bishop Scott to identify where his foundation can be of help. Joining Spence were players and friends who agreed with the need to provide meals to resi- dents of the Tampa Housing Au- thority Senior living properties.
NFL players included: Tampa Bay Buccaneer Will Gholston, Rakeem “Nacho” Roches, Orian Stewart, Mazzi Wilkins, and Kevin Pamphile of the Ten- nessee Titans,
While maintaining safe physical distance as recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Florida Department of Health, vol- unteers were spaced throughout the staging area at least ten feet apart.
“We decided to go beyond pro- viding meals and also buy supplies for the home to prevent residents
from having to shop in public places,” said Spence.
Mayor Jane Castor and other elected officials have begun to pool resources and redirect efforts across the area. However, Bishop Scott believes we must look to do our part as citizens, business owners, and even candidates.
“While we expect the govern- ment to step in and provide re- sources, it is imperative we ask the private sector and residents, to step up and do their share,” Bishop Scott said. Bishop Thomas Scott is a 2020 Candidate for Hills- borough County Commission Dis- trict 3.
The volunteers delivered sup- plies on Wednesday, April 1st and returned Saturday, April 4th, with freshly cooked meals from Mama’s Soulfood for residents living in The
Oaks at Riverview, Encore/The Reed, Encore/The Ella and JL Young. Tampa Housing Authority officials, also wearing masks and gloves received the items to distrib- ute among the tenants.
A student volunteer and member of the Tampa NAACP Youth Council said he and his peers are seeking ways to help by first being safe themselves and not spreading the virus. “This is about giving our eld- ers what they need,” the young man said.
Others seeking to serve or share resources can contact the sponsors of this collaboration including Akeem Spence Foundation, Com- munity Housing Assistance Services Center, Bishop Thomas Scott, Health Matters Pharmacy and Sis- tas In Sports. (Photos by BRUN- SON and James Cole)
Last week, Spence met with Mama’s Soulfood owner.

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