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   County Offers Printed Applications For Unemployment
 Hillsborough County has created a method for individ- uals to obtain printed unem- ployment forms. The forms are available at two public li- braries.
Residents who need the forms, but do not have access to a printer can visit the Jan Platt Public Library, 3910 S. Manhattan Avenue, or the Jimmie Keel Regional Li- brary, 2902 W. Bearss, and obtain the printed forms using the drive through. Once the forms have been com- pleted, they can be dropped off at either drive-through,
and library staff will mail the documents for them.
The hours the service will be open are: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The libraries are otherwise closed to the public, and the two library drive-thru win- dows will open for the sole purpose of distributing and collecting unemployment as- sistance applications.
More information on how to file for unemployment benefits and other reemploy- ment assistance is available at the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.
    City Of Tampa Offering Financial Support To Those
 Hit Hardest By COVID-19
The fund will provide 1-month of support for qualified applicants
The City of Tampa is offer- ing financial support to those hit hardest by the COVID-19 crisis.
On Tuesday, Mayor Jane Castor announced details of the City’s new One Tampa: Relief Now, Rise Together fund and its first relief plan in partnership with the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay and The Tampa Bay Chamber.
This COVID-19 Rent, Mortgage & Utility Relief Plan will provide direct rent, mort- gage, or utility (water, gas, and electric) payments for el- igible individuals, families, and businesses for one month -- offering a lifeline to bridge the financial gap as many wait for state and federal funds to become available.
For individuals and fami- lies who reside within the City of Tampa, and meet other em- ployment and income-quali- fying criteria, the program will cover up to $1,000 for rent or mortgage paid directly to the landlord or mortgagor, and up to $250 for essential utilities.
For qualifying small busi- nesses in the most vulnerable business sectors that have a physical location within one of the City of Tampa’s low in- come census tracts or one of its community redevelopment areas, the City will cover up to $4,000 for rent or mortgage, and up to $1,000 for utilities.
Eligibility information is
currently available online. Ap- plicants will be able to apply online, by phone, or by mail by filling out an online quali- fying questionnaire, which will be available at noon on Friday, April 17th for individuals/families, and on Tuesday, April 21st for small businesses.
The Tampa Bay Lightning, the Buccaneers, and the Rays and Rowdies, have already donated $100,000 each to the One Tampa fund to support our community. Others, in- cluding Amgen and Nick Haines of the Bromley Com- panies (overseeing Midtown construction), have also made generous donations to fund this important program.
Those wishing to get in- volved and help neighbors and small businesses in-need, can visit onetampa. org to make a tax-deductible dona- tion.
“As a lifelong Tampanian, I know one thing to be true: Tampa has grit. When faced with challenges, our commu-
nity always comes together to help our neighbors in need,” says Tampa Mayor Jane Castor.
In order to assist residents and businesses most in need across our community, the City of Tampa has partnered with two trusted local organi- zations to help mobilize the One Tampa relief program.
The City is enlisting the help of the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, to ensure One Tampa funds are reaching the most in-need residents in every corner of our city. Clara Reynolds is President and CEO of the Cri- sis Center of Tampa Bay.
Call the Crisis Center hot- line at 2-1-1 and dial 7 for more information about One Tampa: Relief Now, Rise Together and assistance with the application process.
The Tampa Bay Chamber will also be a vital partner to help effectively connect to small businesses that qualify for these grants and when needed, assist in the applica- tion and payment process. Bob Rohrlack is President and CEO of the Tampa Bay Chamber.
For more information about how to apply for One Tampa: Relief Now, Rise To- gether or to donate to this emergency relief fund, please visit
      Candidates Still Needed For Summer Jobs Program
 The Urban League of Hillsbough County is still in search of candidates for its 2020 Summer Jobs Program.
“We are still planning as if we will all be off of quarantine in time for the selected candi- dates to start work this sum- mer. The jobs will start when it is safe and no one’s health or safety will be put in jeop- ardy. If you have an interest and you are a rising High School Junior up to and in- cluding a College Sophomore, please contact us at Info@UlHc.Org so you can be considered,” states Stanley Gray.
A special thanks to Cedric Powell (Northwest Mutual), Andrew Williams (I&I Electric) and Sheriff Chad Chronister (Sheriff’s De- partment) for stepping up to provide meaningful summer employment for the Urban League’s targeted youth.
Not only do the noted or- ganizations and individuals provide a service or product for the members of our com- munity today, they are to be noted and congratulated for their committed “Hands Up” actions as it related to the de- velopment of our communi- ties youth.

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