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Opinions expressed on editorial pages of this newspaper by Columnists or Guest Writers, do not necessarily reflect the editorial stance of The Florida Sentinel Bulletin or the Publisher.
 Tampa’s Greatest Challenge
 o doubt, we are not among the first
to applaud Mayor Jane Castor for what may be the most important decision of her professional life . . . not relenting on the “safe at home” part of the county Coronavirus response plan that requests the citizens of Tampa to stay indoors ex- cept when absolutely necessary. Initially, it appeared that Castor’s view of shelter- ing in place placed Castor in lonely oppo- sition to other elected officials.
However, Castor stuck to her guns and fought to not make our city a greater sanctuary for the Coronavirus. She along with other elected officials join other proactive mayors, commissioners and governors of California, Maryland, Ohio, Miami, Washington, New York, the Navajo Nation, and other cities, counties, and states.
In fact the last data shows Mayor Cas-
tor is among the elected officials govern- ing 179 million people in 18 states, 31 counties and 13 cities who care more about the health of people than they do the dollar. Citizens of Hillsborough County should be thankful that our elected officials worked together to place a plan in effect that will save lives.
Once again, we give kudos to the Cas- tor administration’s courage. And as we virtually shake Mayor Castor’s and com- missioners’ hands, we should recall other storms our city has weathered. . . storms that have included hurricanes, a Yellow Fever epidemic, and race riots. Yet, through them all, our City by the Bay has overcome them with flying colors. So it shall be with this latest, Coronavirus.
Thank you, Mayor Castor and County Commissioners. Your wisdom makes us all stand strong.
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
        Grateful For Sharing Their Work In The Community
 T AMPA - Greetings! My name is Jonquil Henry. I am one of the members of Esther’s Place, the group fea- tured on the front page of the March 31st, 2020 edition of the Florida Sentinel. On behalf of our group, I would like to express my gratitude for such a wonderful
article and feature.
As a Black woman born and raised in the Tampa Bay
Area, I have always taken great pride in your paper. You do a lot to reach out to the African American community and your work is greatly appreciated.
Highlighting Esther’s place and our event only inspires us to do better and to reach out all the more in our soci- ety.
In lieu of continuing the community outreach, “A Day of Love” was created as a result of studying Rick War- ren’s 40 Days In the Word Bible Study Devotional. In the lessons, we are learning several methods to study and re- tain the word of God, and the importance of applying it to our daily lives.
We were challenged to create a group outreach proj- ect that centered around the scripture Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O man what is good: and what the Lord requires of you, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.”
“A Day of Love,” a partnership with Esther’s Place and Malachi 597, was the first of many to come. It was an honor to bless those less fortunate in our community. We served food, gave out clothing and hygiene bags, and ministered to God’s children at Borrell Park.
We know that the poor will always be with us, but that doesn’t mean they will be alone. We of Esther’s Place and Malachi 597, are truly sisters and brothers, and we as- pire to continue giving back and serving in the commu- nity. As that is the will of God! We are truly humbled by our service and the people that we truly blessed. We look forward to another day of Love.
 We’re Here For You
   Like you, I’ve faced my share of challenges. But transforming the family rooms of millions of Floridians to classrooms was an assignment I never imagined. The coronavirus forced our schools to close and shift coursework to home study within a few days. But I have to tell you that in times of crisis, you better figure out how to get it done. And that’s what we do.
But the pandemic with all its frightening unknowns actually created an opportunity to bring us together as a community by expanding the learning experience with ingenuity and technology. Besides its not the buildings that make our public schools work.
We will do this together. We will make mistakes in the struggle with distance learning and the technology tied to it won’t always deliver. It will take a great deal of patience. But I believe we will be successful.
As the president of the 145,000-member Florida Education Association, a teacher and education advocate, I found that teaching at home gave me a new appreciation for our classroom teachers and what they do daily.
As a parent, I also appreciate the extra time I now have with my children. It’s a gift.
I know families are facing the economic hardship, including the pain and uncertainty of layoffs. I know that along with education
BY FED INGRAM President, Florida Education Association
challenges and the stresses of social distancing and staying at home for prolonged periods, adds to the anxieties and risks that come with going to work during a health crisis.
There are guardrails that we can grasp to make life a little less wobbly. Among those:
Stick to a schedule: It’s important for families to maintain healthy routines, especially once school resumes online.
• Set regular times for getting up and dressed, reading time, schoolwork, meal and snack breaks – and a regular bedtime.
• A regular place to do schoolwork is also helpful, even if it’s just one corner of a common room. This is especially critical now because children often have to share time on the computer with siblings and parents.
Don’t create added stress: There’s no reason for
students to stress out about any one assignment, paper or project. Use positive reinforcement.
• Make sure your children know that everyone, their teachers included, are trying to make this work.
• Reach out to older students with time on their hands among your family friends, neighbors or relatives to serve as tutors via FaceTime or Zoom.
Don’t forget recess:
Students miss the friends they see at school every day;
• Give young people the space and tools they need to find friends and family on social media, video chats, and other online platforms.
• Making time each day for a family walk with the dog or bike ride is healthy – and these are good habits we may want to maintain once life returns to normal.
Seize the moment: Think about creating a family diary or scrapbook or encouraging your kids to create their own. It’s something their children and grandchildren will treasure.
• National Education Asso- ciation website contains some lessons for different grade levels related to the Sights & Sounds of Spring.
• Keep in touch with your children’s teachers. Check out the links and online tools that are available from your school or district. Above all, stay safe – which for most of us, means staying at home for the time being.
Fed Ingram is president of the Florida Education Association (FEA) and a former Teacher of the Year in Miami-Dade County. FEA is the state’s largest association of professional employees, with more than 145,000 teachers and other educators.

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