Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 4-17-20
P. 6
Political News
Surgeon General Criticized For ‘Highly Offensive’ Use Of ‘Big Momma’ As Blacks Hit Hardest By Virus
Bernie Sanders Endorses Joe Biden For President
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday en- dorsed former Vice Presi- dent Joe Biden for president, pledging to help him defeat President Don- ald Trump in the general election as the two agreed to launch a series of task forces to work jointly on policy mat- ters.
"We need you in the White House. I will do all that I can to see that that happens, Joe," Sanders said to Biden during a livestream broadcast by Biden's cam- paign on his website and on social media.
The endorsement of Biden by his leading Democratic rival marks a key moment for Democrats as the party seeks
In case you haven’t been paying attention, there’s a virus going around making thou- sands of people sick, and killings thousands more na- tionwide.
COVID-19 will go down in history as one of the most im- pactful medical phenomenons the world has ever experienced, and despite millions of casual- ties, there are still many hard- headed people scattered across the nation who refuse to com- ply with the government’s in- structions to self-quarantine.
These individuals include African Americans and other minorities, reports show.
In fact, there’s footage via YouTube that reveals large groups of Black partygoers congregating despite social dis- tancing warnings by the CDC and various authorities.
These gatherings have re- sulted in the increased spread of COVID-19 across communi- ties of color, and its currently highlighting the reality that African Americans could be a “high risk” demographic for the virus compared to other racial groups.
This discovery by experts is mainly attributed to the scourge of poor health plaguing Black citizens, including gener- ational battles with illnesses like asthma, heart disease, dia- betes, sickle cell, and others.
To address national con- cerns that certain groups of
people aren’t self-isolating, U. S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams – who is Black – re- cently emphasized the impor- tance of everyone “staying inside” as the virus runs its course.
He’s also using his platform to encourage Blacks and His- panics to self-quarantine, but it seems critics aren’t pleased with approach.
Adams asked Americans of color to do it “for your Abuela. Do it for your granddaddy, do it for your big momma, do it for your pop-pop.”
He later defended using those terms, saying, “I used the language that is used in my family,” but not before being met with criticism by the black community.
Adams is under fire for “pandering” to the Black com- munity and for his “offensive” instruction to stop drinking and smoking during this pan- demic.
to unify and turn its focus to- ward a November match-up with President Donald Trump.
Sanders' quick endorse- ment of Biden in mid-April, just five days after he sus-
pended his campaign, was a stark contrast to the 2016 Democratic race, when Sanders continued to battle Hillary Clinton into June and waited until July to en- dorse her.
Trump Retweets #FireFauci Because
He Hates People Who Tell The Truth
The president is not only a liar, he demands that the peo- ple around him push his lies as truth.
To this end, it’s always only been a matter of time before the president started looking for ways to get rid of Dr. An- thony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Al- lergy and Infectious Diseases.
Maybe it’s because Dr. Fauci, the nation’s top infec- tious disease expert, wants America to be safe during the Coronavirus. Maybe it’s be- cause Dr. Fauci is a good per- son, so he doesn’t want to lie to the people during a global pan- demic. Maybe Dr. Fauci does- n’t give a crap about the economy during a time when people are dying at alarming rates.
To date, Dr. Fauci’s biggest crime is that he contradicts the president’s lies, and that is enough for the president to start entertaining the idea of firing him from his position.
On Sunday the prolific
tweeter of falsehoods retweeted a follower who called for Dr. Fauci’s job.
Since the Coronavirus pan- demic hit, Trump has been doing press briefings that liter- ally serve as revisionist history retellings of events we’ve all lived through. This isn’t just lying, this is “walking in on your toddler with a mouth full of cookies swearing that he didn’t eat anything”-level lying. This is the president during the worst health crisis in the last 100 years trying to save face because people died due to his indecisive inability to give a shit about anything other than his tanning bed settings.