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Support Group To Host Seminar To Discuss Lost Of Skin Color
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The seminar will be held at Saunders Library on Saturday, August 17th.
In 2017, Mrs. Tonja L. Johnson founded an organi- zation of support that would help individuals embrace the physical changes they face daily from having Vitiligo, a disease that alters their ap- pearance.
The organization, “Beauti- fully Unblemished Vitiligo Support Group,” currently has over 90 individuals who are members of support groups throughout the State of Florida.
Several of the members at-
MRS. TONJA L. JOHNSON ....Diagnosed with Vitiligo in 2014
tended the World Vitiligo Conference in Houston, Texas, in June, where there were well over 300 people in atten- dance.
And, Governor Ron De- Santis issued a proclamation making June Vitiligo Aware- ness Month in Florida.
As Gov. DeSantis noted in his proclamation, “...Vitiligo is a disorder of unknown cause...that affects individuals of all ages, genders, races and ethnicities...”
Vitiligo is an auto-immune disease characterized by patches of the skin losing pig- ment. The patches of skin af- fected become white and usually have sharp margins. The hair from the skin may also become white. Typically, both sides of the body are af- fected.
Beautifully Unblemished Vitiligo Support Group wants to empower those who are faced with this disease.
The first Empower You Seminar, “Loving The Skin You’re In,” will be held on Sat- urday, August 17, 2019, 1-4 p. m., at Robert W. Saunders Public Library, 1505 N. Ne- braska Ave., Tampa (33605).
The facilitator will be Chelsea Kendrick, BSW. The featured seminar speak- ers will be: Dr. Carlene Gra- ham, who will speak on Health and Wellness, with Gregory Champlin, Nutri- tion Educator, BS; Khalilah Caines, LCSW, whose topic is “Self-Esteem,” along with Rafael Bassi, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker; Nikki Bryan, MS, will discuss “Mental Health,” with Richard Levia, Mental Health Counselor; Ron Wat- son, The Artist, “Be The Can- vas,” and DaLonde Clark, MUA and CEO of Dalonde’, Inc., Cosmetics.
Please RSVP to: email – info@beautifullyunblem-, or website, www.beautifullyunblem- Or, you may call (813) 390-9180.
“We are super excited to touch the lives of those not only living with Vitiligo, but other skin disorders. We sant to bring awareness to the com- munity in which we live,” Mrs. Johnson said.
An employee with the Florida Dept. of Health in Polk County with an extensive background in Public Health, Mrs. Johnson was diag- nosed with Vitiligo in 2014. She is an active member of several religious and social or- ganizations.
Missing Teen Mother And Son Found Safe
Last week, the family of a teenage mother reported her an her infant as missing and endangered. On Monday, the Hillsborough County Sher- iff's Office said both the young mother and the infant had been located and were safe and unharmed. They
were found at the home of a relative in Georgia.
Police said Ana Fran- cisco-Miguel, 17, left on foot with her infant son, 6- month-old David Fran- cisco. The last time they were seen was 12 noon on Tuesday, August 6th.
Annual Black And White Ball Returns Aug. 17th
With summer coming to an end, it’s time to get at least one more night of music, dinner and fun at a ‘party with a purpose.’
The Tampa Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Frater- nity, Inc., along with the Guide Right Foundation Inc., are hosting their annual Black and White Ball on Saturday, Aug. 17th, at TPepin’s Hospitality Centre in Tampa.
The event will feature a reception starting at 6:30 p. m. with the program and dinner starting at 8 p. m. There will be a chance to bid on prizes during the silent auction. There will be live music as well as a DJ for your entertainment. The attire is formal.
A portion of the proceeds go toward the Guide Right Foundation, which mentor and provide scholarships to youth in the Tampa Bay community.
“This is an important time in the lives of today’s youth,” said Tampa Alumni Board member and Black and White committee chairman Bianco Berry. “Our purpose is t3- 803-o mentor our youth and elevate our legacy and we hope people come to support our effort. It’s also a good opportu- nity to come and party and be entertained.”
Tickets can be purchased online at, or contact Berry at 813-727-4980, Kelvin Hooks at 813-802-7286, or Rod- ney Ward at 813-478-8720.