Page 5 - Florida Sentinel 8-13-19
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Microsoft Ends Support For Windows 7
espite the positive re-
views for Windows 7, Microsoft has decided to slowly kill off the popular op- erating system. Personal computer users who enjoy the simplicity of Windows 7 can still install and use Win- dows 7, but Microsoft will not provide live customer sup- port for the operating system. Officially, customer support for Internet Explorer on com- puters running Windows 7 will end as of January 14, 2020.
Windows 7, is currently still being used by almost 50% of people who own a PC. Windows 7, is one of the most beloved operating systems since the birth of Microsoft.
If you decide to continue using Windows 7, Microsoft has extended updates for now, but will eventually charge you to download the updates in the future. Run- ning Windows 7 without the necessary security patches presents a huge security risk to its user.
Windows 10, has proven to be a stable, reliable re- placement for Windows 7 and many customers have eased into Windows 10 with very little issues. Microsoft has improved its memory
management system in Win- dows 10, despite it needing more RAM than Windows 7.
Windows 10 does require more resources than Win- dows 7, especially for its pri- vacy features. Windows 10 runs smoothly with at least four to eight gigabytes of RAM installed on a 160 Giga- byte hard drive. A solid state hard drive will cut down on your boot time by at least 50% or higher.
Most applications which run on Windows 7 will also run on Windows 10. To en- sure your computer will run Windows 10 with no prob- lems make sure your PC meets these minimum re- quirements: 1 GHz in pro- cessing speed, at least 1-2 Gigabyte of RAM, 20 Giga- byte of hard drive space, videos card that support Di- rectX 9 or higher.
Eric Hall holds a Master’s Degree from the University of South Florida in Instruc- tional Technology and Cy- bersecurity Digital Forensics. He has been a computer technician for over 20 years. He is formerly the manager and owner of Comptech PC, Inc., in Fort Pierce Florida. Follow him on Facebook.
“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”
E Vincent Van Gogh
mpowered Greet- ings. Many people aspire to achieve greatness in their life. The definition of great- ness will represent some- thing different for each person. Therefore you should never be intimidated about what someone else is achieving.
Get your eyes off others and redirect your focus to you. Keep your eyes on your prize. Your prize will be the things that are important to you. Here are five ways to achieve great success in your
G = Go after S.M.A.R.T.
goals. Goals should be spe- cific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Pursue your goals ...
R = Relentlessly: Do not yield, do not slow down and don’t stop. It’s time to get it, get it. Get serious about moving into your place of greatness. Your relentless attitude will...
E = Excite others about what you want to do. There may be someone in your path that can help you exe- cute the strategies you need to get to where you want to be.
A = Align your thoughts, your words and your actions with what you want to achieve. When these three
are in synchronization your success will be inevitable.
T = Totally commit and efficiently utilize your time, energy and resources toward the accomplishment of your life goals. If something is not relevant to your goal don’t do it.
According to author Samuel Johnson, “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by persever- ance.”
In other words, nothing happens overnight. Small steps over time will result in BIG success. Now go out and create a GREAT life.
Connect with me on IG, Facebook & Twitter for more empowering words of en- couragements.
Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: Selphenia; and Twitter: queenodsuccess1.
To request Selphenia to speak or train at your up- coming events call (813) 603-0088.