Page 21 - Florida Sentinel 12-31-19
P. 21

Arizona DHS Agents Paid To
Two Young Missouri Brothers Tragically Drown In Frozen Pond
    Have Sex With Alleged Sex
Trafficking Victims They ‘Rescued’
A tragedy in eastern Mis- souri took place when two young boys died after plung- ing through a frozen pond while out for a bike ride near their home.
Terrance Hicks, 8, known as Tey, and his little brother, Cleveland Hicks, 7, known as CJ, prompted concerned family members to go searching for them when they didn’t return from a bike ride on Sunday (Dec. 22) reports.
The Missouri State High- way Patrol said the boys were found Sunday afternoon in a private pond in Franklin County, local ABC affiliate KAKE and the Associated Press report.
The patrol said a family
 At a press conference in September 2018, Department of Homeland Security agents told reporters they had suc- cessfully broken up a transna- tional ring of illegal massage parlors forcing Asian immi- grants into sex slavery. What they didn’t say, however, is that two of their own agents had paid for sex with the al- leged victims.
As part of the two-year, $15,000 investigation into the massage parlors, two DHS agents engaged in sex acts with the alleged trafficking victims at least 10 times, according to DHS and local police depart- ment investigation reports un- covered by Today’s News-Herald. Now the case against the alleged traffickers is unraveling as the federal agents refuse to testify in courts.
“To solve a crime of victims who were being forced to have
Cleveland Hicks, left, and Terrance Hicks, died Sunday.
sex, the officers decided to have sex with them,” Brad Rideout, an attorney for one of the women arrested for money laundering, told The Daily Beast. “There seems to be no limits on their activities and there seems to be no boundaries.”
member found Cleveland floating in the private pond in the 400 block of Walls Ford Road just after noon, KMOV reports.
Terrance was later found by a diver, but it’s unclear how long either of the victims had been in the water, KAKE reports.
Korey Wise of The Exonerated Five Hosts Christmas Toy Giveaway
   A Motorist Accused Of Running
Korey Wise, one of the Exonerated Five, joined to- gether with Friends of Public School Harlem and the Migdol Family Foundation to host a holiday gift giveaway Monday in Harlem.
Wise, who was wrongly accused of a crime he didn't commit at the age of 16, was tried as an adult and spent 13 years behind bars before being released and exoner- ated and receiving a settle- ment along with the other falsely convicted defendants in the case. Because of the circumstances of his criminal case, Wise gained a new level of public attention with the release of Ava DuVer- nay's When They See Us. The director, enamored by Wise's philanthropy, tweeted a video segment of the story from PIX11 News with a message of praise.
According to a report by Amsterdam News, more than 200 families in and around Lehman Village Houses came to meet Wise and select a gift.
“It was great to see the smiles, hear the screams of excitement, and receive the hugs from parents and chil- dren,” Wise said to Amster-
Over Girl Because She 'Was A
Mexican' Is Now Charged
With Hitting A Black Child
An Iowa woman who told police she ran over a teen be- cause she "was a Mexican" has been charged with another at- tempted murder after police say she hit a 12-year-old boy on the same day.
Nicole Poole Franklin
was charged with attempted murder last week after admit- ting she intentionally ran over a 14-year-old girl with her car and "made a series of deroga- tory statements about Lati- nos," police said.
And just an hour-and-a- half after that incident, West Des Moines police said she used racist slurs toward a clerk and customers at a West Des Moines convenience store and threw items at the clerk, land- ing her assault, theft and pub- lic intoxication charges.
Des Moines Police Sgt. Paul Parizek said footage of the incident showed she inten- tionally hit the 12-year-old boy, who is black, about an
Korey Wise at his toy giveaway.
hour before she hit the 14- year-old.
The boy was walking along the curb of a Des Moines apartment parking lot when an SUV jumped the curb, ran over his leg and fled, police re- ported.
A witness told police the SUV "gunned its engine" be- fore the driver struck the child and that she'd seen the driver in the complex before.
dam News. “Being here and providing holiday cheer to children and sending a mes- sage that somebody cares is a great feeling. I thank the Friends of Public School Harlem and the Migdol Fam- ily for making it happen.”
Jerry Migdol, founder of the Migdol Family Foun- dation and co-host of the event, spoke about how the additional attention brought by Wise will help inspire others to participate in future events.
“We are just happy to be part of this and be able to give back to the community we love. It’s always so much
fun to spend time with these kids and make their holiday special. There’s nothing bet- ter," Migdol said to Amster- dam News. "We invite everyone to join us for up- coming Chanukah, Christ- mas and Kwanza events.”
Following his conviction, Wise spent more time be- hind bars than any of the Ex- onerated Five, and is the only one of them to still live in Harlem. In addition, Wise made a donation to the Col- orado Innocence Project, leading to it being renamed the Korey Wise Innocence Project in honor of his phi- lanthropy.

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