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The Truth Shall Set Them Free
Part 3
n parts one and two of
this series, I briefly discussed how the manipulation of science and history has been used to push the agenda of white supremacy. But, even though these two pillars of education have played a key role in helping to promote the existence of a superior race, nothing has done more to further the cause than religion.
In every part of the world that has been conquered and colonized in the name of white supremacy, one of the first acts of the invaders involved stripping the indigenous populations of their spiritual foundations and replacing them with the gods of their oppressors. In every instance the replacing deity's visage was as pale as the faces of the occupiers.
This, of course, was by design because the Christian missionaries, who were used to indoctrinate these societies, knew that once the thinking and beliefs of the people were compromised, subjugation by force became less necessary. The white supremacists who went into Africa and the Americas also knew that introducing a God, who mirrored their own complexions, to the native people would ultimately lead to those natives associating their white oppressors with the omnipotent power possessed by the God they were forced to worship.
The flaw in this strategy, though, is that the image of the white god that has been displayed throughout continents across the globe is based on a fabrication. According to the only known description of the appearance of God in the Bible, the book white supremacists have used for centuries to justify their exceptionalism, the only white thing about the supreme being of the universe is His hair.
In the book of Daniel 10:6 and again in Revelations 1:14-15 (the King James Version) visions by Daniel and John each describe a being the "color of polished brass." In John's account he goes even further by saying that the brass skin coloring appeared as if it had been "burned by fire."
Anyone who ever played with matches as a child knows that when you place a flame to brass the end result is super Blackness. But, ironically, none of the iconic artistic renditions of God or his son (Jesus) by Michelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci (whose Last Supper painting became the template for all future illustrations of The Christ) look remotely like the images spoken of in the Bible. And, with that suspiciously being the case, the question has to be asked, "Why did these artists feel the need to blatantly alter the Creator's physical
The obvious answer is
that it would have been impossible to sell white supremacy through the image of a supreme deity who more resembled the people being oppressed than those doing the oppressing. God had to be presented as a white male to the entire world or else the entitlement that white men, in particular, have enjoyed for centuries wouldn't have had a leg to stand on.
This is the ugly and messy truth that sits at the root of systemic racism. White supremacy and everything it spawns, including bigotry, exclusion, discrimination, marginalization and bias are all the by-products of purposeful deception. A deceit that, not only, destroyed millions of Black lives in the process but doomed a countless number of white souls who committed unspeakable atrocities based on the false information they believed to be true.
In the end, in spite of everything that has occurred up until this point, there still exists a silver lining. By re- educating our youth to the truth we have the ability to avoid our present course toward mutual destruction.
If we don't take action, and the lie that is white supremacy continues to permeate throughout American culture, 50 years from now when cops are still killing Black people and cities again burn in the aftermath, we'll have no reason to be surprised.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bulletin Publishing Company. You can contact Mr. Barr at:
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
Civil War Flag And Statues Belong In A Museum
Mount Rushmore: Under the glare of strobe lights and inquisitive television cameras, the forty-fifth President of the United States addressed a crowd of 80,000 Americans, and under the glare of four former presidents, and declared war on an unnamed enemy of an unnamed Civil War. Once again, the great joker in the White House took out his book of matches and began striking them, one at a time, to see if he could start a racial forest fire.
His rhetoric was regarding the Civil War statues and their place in American society. The following is how we feel about the Confederate flag and Donald Trump’s pro- tection of Civil War monuments.
After 159 years, the American Civil War still rages. Many Southern States’ citizens have not accepted the fact that in the fight between Northern and some West- ern states loyal to the Union and Southern states that had seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America, over the controversy of the enslave- ment of Black people, that THE SOUTH LOST.
Moreover, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that the Confederate States of America’s actions were acts of treason. Thus, anyone who fought on behalf of the Con- federate States committed treason against the Union of the United States, plain and simple.
So, why should we celebrate them since they are trai- tors: Indeed, the Civil War monuments and related memorabilia belong in Civil War museums are part of a company of traitors such as Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
Simply because one’s ancestors fought on the side of the South is no reason to publicly celebrate them and provide for the statues’ upkeep using taxpayers’ money.
Many Black people still suffer post traumatic syn- drome and are reminded of slavery and the atrocities committed against our ancestors in the same manner Jews are traumatized and offended by swastikas and statues of Adolph Hitler and other Nazi leaders.
In addition, statues of George Custer and the five Civil War generals who went on to fight in the Indian Wars are just as offensive to Native Americans.
Confederate statues and Civil War artifacts belong in a museum, a compromise worth considering. We en- courage President Trump to reconsider his attempt to divide America again.