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FLORIDA SENTINEL BULLETIN PUBLISHING Co., Member of National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA)
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Opinions expressed on editorial pages of this newspaper by Columnists or Guest Writers, do not necessarily reflect the editorial stance of The Florida Sentinel Bulletin or the Publisher.
    Trump’s Here For The Long Haul
   Cable news networks like CNN must enjoy wast- ing their time. Why else would they dedicate hours of their broadcasting to cover Donald Trump's impeach- ment hearing when they al- ready know that it's going to end with the process being shot down in the Senate and Trump, once again, claim- ing victory over another failed investigation.
I know that this isn't something that those who despise Trump want to hear. But, unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that re- gardless of what they dis- cover, we're going to be stuck with Trump until the next election cycle.
It won't be because he didn't engage in activities that were impeachable. To the contrary, Trump's stay- ing power will be attributa-
ble to one very important thing..... He has enormous value to those on the far- right.
As it stands now there are two Supreme Court Justices in their eighties, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer and one in his early seventies, Justice Clarence Thomas.
This means that there is a very good chance that in the next four years there could be at least two seats on the bench that will need replac- ing. And staunch conserva- tives would like nothing more than to have someone in place who will be able to stack the highest court in the land with judges who'll be more than willing to turn back the clock on law in over 60 years.
This is the only reason
why Trump's boorish be- havior and antics have been tolerated this long. The indi- viduals supporting him don't care if he did right or wrong, he's simply a necessary piece that they can use to secure their end game. It could be Satan, himself, sitting in the Oval Office and it wouldn't matter to them as long as their ultimate mission is ac- complished.
As long as individuals like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have final say in how far the im- peachment goes, Trump will be safe. And nothing short of him deciding to step down on his own (a la Richard Nixon) will end his term prematurely.
The bottom line, for those who don't like Trump is that no one is going to do your job for you. If you want to see him gone, take time next November to vote against him.
Maybe if more people did that three years ago, what we're dealing with now wouldn't even be an issue.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Company. You can contact Mr. Barr at:
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     Invasive Species
 Burmese python swims offshore of a Florida beach. Americans in Miami and Tampa fall prey to the dengue fever transmitted by mosquito bites and previously confined to the tropics and sub-tropic
You won’t know that your neighbor legally owns a
cobra until the snake escapes. Florida has more inva- sive species than any other state. Our lakes, water- ways, and drainage ditches are clogged with invasive species of plants, some of whose seedlings hitched a ride on container ships, touring boats, and import containers. Others were brought here through smug- gling and on purpose.
Invasives (non-native) create a threat to our health, safety, agriculture, forestry, and leisure activ- ities, at a significant cost. Some invasives are not harmful, and cause no significant economic or ecolog- ical impact, and are not widely considered as inva- sive.
Overall, it is estimated that there are 50,000 non- native species of plants and animals in the United States and include snakes, crops, frogs, birds, bacte- ria and viruses.
Among some of the most notable invasives and species are the tumble weed (Russia), Kudzu (Japan), Africanized bees (Brazil), Asian Carp (Eu- rope and Asia), Emerald Ash Borer (North-eastern bug threatens to eliminate the ash lumber industry in the United States within the next ten years at a cost of 25.1 billion dollars per year), and the Hemlock woolly adelgid (East Asian insects that are killing most east- ern Hemlocks in the United States within the next nine years).
Some of these invasives were introduced on pur- pose and spread by flooding. Others were brought here as pets and released illegally into nature when the pet owners grew tired of their pets.
So, how can the Trump Administration defend plans to do away with the a 20-year committee, the In- vasive Species Advisory Committee, that coordinates the federal government’s efforts at controlling pythons and other invasive species plaguing America?
We need answers to this question because we do not want to end up with our native species having been killed by non-native species. This issue demands our calling and writing to your Congressional repre- sentatives today.
   You Are Qualified
   You only have one life to do everything you will ever do. Act accordingly. You are qualified to do it. So, do it!
mpowered Greetings. For those of you that are in the process of launching a business or starting a new phase in life, I want you to know that, you are qualified. Life’s circumstances have a way of causing you to think that you don’t have what it takes, when in all actuality, you do. It is because of the hand that life has dealt you, that makes you qualified.
Everything you have gone through up until this point has prepared you for this moment in time. Don’t focus on your shortcomings, they will only blind you and leave
you feeling stuck in rut. Instead, focus on your strengths, the things that you do well.
Take a sheet of paper and list all the positives you possess. List your skills and any certifications or degrees that you hold. List the things that you can do well. Review your list.
They should be confidence boosters for you. They should let you know that you have something you can build on, to take your life upward and onward.
Success is at your fingertips. Trust in the fact that you are qualified and have what it takes to not only launch your dreams, but to create the future of those dreams. You are qualified to predict the successful outcomes that you want to see for your life.
Mentally prepare yourself to perform at your best and create a positive self-fulfilling prophesy by monitoring what you think, say, and do. Assure yourself of your self- worth through your self-talk.
Value the things great and small that you are capable of doing, for they reinforce your qualifications to do that which you have been called to do. You have the power to perform any task set before you.
So, launch your business, ministry, organization, career, educational endeavors or whatever you desire with the confidence and courage that will inspire you and cause others to see you as a person to admire. Remember, you are qualified. NOW, Act like it!
To request Selphenia to speak or train at your upcoming event call 813- 603-0088.
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Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: @Selphenia; and Twitter: @queenofsuccess1.

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