Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 1-8-21
P. 9
Crosswalks, Beautification Will Conclude Work On The 34th Street Roundabouts
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Most of the structural work along the 34th Street Roundabouts has been com- pleted and traffic is moving through.
The project was com- pleted last year (2020) and Vik Bhide, Mobility Depart- ment Director, City of Tampa, said, “The only item pending are flashers at the roundabout crosswalks. We’re awaiting materials for the same.”
Traffic movement was disturbed several months along the corridor as the work was completed.
In addition to the cross- walks and beacon lights, Bishop Thomasth Scott, pastor of the 34 stStreet Church of God (at 21 Ave.) said he’s waiting for the beau- tification part of the project.
“The biggest problem I see is people trying to adjust to the flow of the traffic,” he said.
Fran Tate, President, Jackson Heights Neighbor- hood Association, said, “Those of us along the 34th Street corridor are so excited for the project and its com- pletion. It had been in the works for a long time. We be-
lieve it has slowed down traf- fic. We do love the look.”
The only things remain- ing are the cross markers and beacon lights; and the histor- ical monuments at each of the intersections, she ex- plained.
As part of the beautifica- tion, Ms. Tate said prior to COVID, members of the dif- ferent community associa- tions (including Rainbow Heights, Jackson Heights, and East Hillsborough Crime Watch) and community resi- dents had met to discuss what they’d like at each of the sections. “The historical monuments will have a bit of history and key players about those areas. We have not been able to meet to finalize
those plans, but we feel that will happen soon,” she said.
Mrs. Annette Jackson
operates 2 businesses along the area of the roundabouts. The roundabout at 34th St. and Osborne Ave., does not affect the operation of Jack- son Funeral Home. However, the same is not true for the Jackson’s Store, about 2 blocks away, where her son, Jimmie “Bo” Jackson, handles the daily operations.
What she sees is “people are not yielding like they should. There are problems for the buses and the tractor trailers,” she said. “It’s just not working as I had hoped.”
“Bo” Jackson said engi- neers were on the scene as he spoke with this reporter re-
placing signs at the round- about. He said, since the completion those signs have been replaced about 4 times.
“Before the roundabout, we had problems with the kids and 4-wheelers speeding around here. Now, we’re dealing with the buses and tractor-trailers that can’t seem to navigate through the roundabout.”
Jackson said he spoke to officials about the kids trying to get to Potter School. “It’s dangerous in that area; and it’s dangerous to even try to place a Crossing Guard there,” he said.
For his business, Jack- son said, “It’s an inconven- ience. I told the officials that if it’s inconvenient for people, they’ll go elsewhere. So that’s not helping this neighbor- hood.”
Part of the reconstruction on the corner where the store sits, Jackson said another entrance to the store was made, but people not familiar will bypass it. “Sometimes they may go around the cor- ner to come back, or they may keep on going.”
Those we talked with said they had not witnessed any accidents since the round- abouts were completed. Bhide said no accidents had been reported to their office.
Here’s what’s happening at Middleton Senior High School.
Thursday, January 14th - Quarter 2 ends
Friday, January 15th – Non-Student Day
Monday, January 18th - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday
Tuesday, January 19th - 2nd Semester/Quarter 3 be- gins
Tuesday, January 19th - ALL E-
Learners, who have reached out to Adminis- tration regarding his/her intent to return to Brick and Mortar, will begin on this day, January 19th.
Magnet applicants, please continue to check your email for possible Magnet offers. Upon receipt, please ACCEPT offer.
Students, if you promised to submit any assignments that had an earlier due date,
the time is now to submit all late assignments or projects. Remember, students who earn a D/F combina- tion for the semester, must take the final exam for a chance to pass the class.
Tonya A. Sheffield- Floyd, M.S., is Magnet Lead, Community Volunteer, Coor- dinator, Middleton High School, Pre-Collegiate STEM Academy.
Mickie Boddie is Princi- pal.