Page 33 - Florida Sentinel 12-18-20
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 2021 TOBA Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Breakfast Co-Chairs Announced
  The Tampa Organization of Black Affairs (TOBA) takes pride in mentoring future lead- ers. As part of this process, TOBA selects male and female mentees to participate on plan- ning committees for special projects to hone their organi- zational,leadership, communi- cation and presentation skills.
One special project is TOBA’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Breakfast during which mentees are selected to co- chair this marquee event. This organization has selected TreBora Morales and Je- remy Blount to co-chair the 2021 TOBA 41st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Lead- ership Breakfast. They are also recent graduates of the inaugu- ral TOBA Leadership Institute.
TreBora Moralesis a life- time resident of Tampa. She was raised primarily in the East Tampa neighborhood, and graduated from Brandon High School. At the age of 18, she joined the Army National Guard and left for training im-
mediately following gradua- tion.
While serving in the Army, she handled Logistics and was appointed to the rank of Ser- geant during her eleven years of service. She was nominated three times as Soldier of the Year to represent her unit, and was awarded multiple honors during her service.
She later attended Hills- borough Community College, then transferred to the Univer- sity of South Florida. She has since obtained two bachelor’s
degrees, one in Long Term Care Administration, and the other in Biological Health Sci- ence and Health Management.
She recently earned her graduate certificate in Global Sustainability from the Univer- sity of South Florida and is working on furthering her ed- ucation in Sustainable Busi- ness.
TreBora previously worked for Strategic Property Partners, where she served on the Administration team through coordinating facilities
maintenance, providing gen- eral administrative support, organizing volunteer opportu- nities, and implementing sus- tainability and wellness initiatives. Currently, she is the owner of Sustainable Actions, LLC, a Sustainability and Well- ness consulting company.
While active in the TOBA Leadership Institute, she played a key role in drafting a community enhancement plan for the East Tampa and Robles Park neighborhoods. Over the years, TreBora has volun- teered within the community for organizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful, Habitat For Humanity, and Trinity Cafe, and is a longtime donor to Feeding Tampa Bay.
TreBora is an active member of Grace Family Church, where she serves as one of the choir directors. Out- side of work and community service, TreBora spends time with her supportive husband and two children.
Jeremy Blount is a
Tampa native and resident of the “Nuccio” community. He grew up playing high school football and dedicated himself to the game. With hard work and dedication, he eventually earned a full scholarship to the University of South Dakota. Jeremy was a two-sport ath- lete playing football and run- ning track for four years. This earned him All-American hon- ors in both sports and he also maintained good grades to earn his bachelor’s degree and ultimately playing professional football in the Canadian Foot- ball League (CFL).
Jeremy has a passion and dedication to better himself, and make a difference in his community. In 2018, Jeremy advocated for youth by speak- ing to over 25 youth groups mainly in the Tampa Bay Area, surrounding cities and some states during his book signing, “Football to the Feds.”
With a desire to dedicate more of his time, he started a monthly community cleanup to empower and encourage the residents in his Nuccio neigh- borhood. To gain support in this effort, he sought and part- nered with Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful and its program enti- tled: “Adopt A Road.” He and his neighborhood friends cleaned the road on 47th and Sligh Avenue in Tampa. Through his hard work, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful erected and adopted a road sign nam- ing it “Jeremy Blount” in 2019.
Jeremy continued his journey of volunteerism when elected Vice President of Pro- grams for the chapter of 100 Black Men of Tampa Bay, Inc., in 2019, an organization that focuses on mentorship. He be- came the lead facilitator for its program, “Pathways to Suc- cess,” designed to empower middle to high school students to prepare for both corporate careers and entrepreneurial endeavors.
In 2020, Jeremy was se- lected to attend the TOBA Leadership Institute and re- ceived the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Black Advi- sory Council Perseverance Award.
When Jeremy is not work- ing on improving his commu- nity, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two children.
The 41st Annual TOBA Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Lead- ership Breakfast – which will be held virtually due to COVID-19 – will be held on Monday, January 18, 2021, 6:45 A. M. Tickets for the vir- tual event are now on sale at

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