Page 22 - 4-17-15 Friday's Edition
P. 22

Keep Your Brain Young With Curry
The curcumin in curry is a cell-protecting, inflammation- fighting compound. The turmerone in curry helps regenerate nerve cells and rev production of new neurons.
It also helps to stave off age-related dementia, and improves memory and cognitive speed.
Help To Regulate Your Blood Pressure
After age 55, women are more likely than men to de- velop high BP. But, here’s a few tips:
• Nourish your blood vessels with 2-3 cups of black, green, white or oolong tea daily to cut your risk by 46%. Tea flavonoids relax and dilate blood vessels and help block the formation of artery-stiffen-
ing plaque.
• Erase hormonal triggers by
eating a heaping cup of broc- coli, Brussels sprouts or kale daily.
• Relax your muscles with 200 mg. of resveratrol (a grape extract) that can widen arter- ies, improve blood flow, re- duces inflammation, and prevent pressure spikes, thus
reducing your risks.
• Control cortisol with foot
massages which can help to lower your B.P. Focus on the base of your big toes and the arch of your feet – areas packed with reflexology points that calm the adrenal glands, reducing their production of pressure-spiking cortisol.
5 Reasons To Become An Organ Donor
Minorities, including African Americans, are more likely than whites to have certain chronic conditions that affect the kidney, heart, lung, pancreas and liver. This makes the need for African-American donors es- pecially high.
When you sign up to be- come an organ, eye, and/or tissue donor, you could pos- sibly be saving someone’s life! In honor of National Do- nate Life Month, here are five reasons to register today.
1. People are waiting... at this very moment for a transplant. A new name is added to the national trans- plant waiting list every 12 minutes. What’s even more heartbreaking is the fact that more than 6,500 people die every year before ever receiv- ing a transplant.
2. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. It’s difficult to imagine, but what if you or a loved one needed a transplant? Wouldn’t you
want someone to find it in their heart to donate what- ever it was that you or your family member needed? When you sign up to become a donor, you’re giving the gift of life. In many cases, your donation can help someone regain mobility and live a happier, fuller life.
3. It’s free. Many people are under the misconception that they will be charged for their donation, but that sim- ply isn’t true! Registering as an organ, eye or issue donor doesn’t cost a thing. Like-
wise, the organ donors’ family is never charged for donating. The family is charged for the cost of all final efforts to save your life, and those costs are some- times misinterpreted as costs related to organ donation. Costs for organ removal go to the transplant recipient.
4. There’s life after death. If the thought of giv- ing away one of your organs while you’re still alive scares you, you’re not alone, but just know that there are other options. Though it’s a subject no one likes talking about, you can agree to organ donation after you die. You could save up to eight lives with a donated organ and potentially change more than 100 lives if you donate tissue. It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving!
5. It’s rewarding. When you do good, you feel good, right? Imagine what a won- derful feeling it must be to give the gift of life.

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