Page 20 - 4-17-15 Friday's Edition
P. 20

Robles Park Council To Host Community Safety Day
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
With their newly elected Resident Council President, Reva Iman leading the way, the Resident Council staff and residents will be hosting a Community Safety Day on Saturday, April 25th from 10 a. m. until 2 p. m.
“We want to invite everyone, including the entire Tampa Housing Authority staff and other organizations, to join us for this event,” said Iman.
“We will have plenty of games for the kids, and McDonald’s will be donating all of the food. This is the first step in our effort to bring awareness and safety back into our commu- nity.”
Iman said they all hope this will bring the residents closer together and create an atmos- phere that is healthy for the children and sen- iors, and productive for all the residents.
“I think we’ve been waiting for something like this for a long time, and now everyone ap- pears to be on the same page to make it hap- pen.
“We are very excited about what we’ve ac- complished in Robles Park, and look forward to the future and accomplishing even more initiatives for the residents and the surround- ing community.
“We still have a lot of work to do in Robles
and we all know in the coming years this place will be gone. What we’re trying to do is make it a great and safe place to live until that day comes.
“We’d like to start now preparing the resi- dents for that transition although it is several years away right now.”
Iman said the residents have already no- ticed a decrease in criminal activity in the complex, and as long as the residents stay united, each day will be better than the one be- fore.
“We know it will be a process, but we just need to be patient and get along with each other.”
If anyone wants to donate anything to help this event be successful, they can contact Reva Iman at (813) 900-8745.
Robles Park Resident Council President
18th Annual Charity Festival Nears
2015 Festival at a new location
In nearly two weeks, the 18th Annual Charity Festival will again show its generosity and kindness to the needy and less fortunate in the com- munity. Both the community and the promoters of this event are very excited. Last year approximately 4,000 people were fed, and this year, the goal is to exceed 5,000. “Our goal is to make each year bigger and better,” states Hakim Aquil.
Although the event will take place in MacFarlane Park, as Riverfront Park is under renovation, planners of the event anticipate a bigger crowd and greater support. MacFarlane Park offers a beautiful atmosphere and very spacious parking areas.
The number of new bicy- cles to be distributed has in- creased, and each bike is equipped with a lock, helmet, and lights. Yes, lights are an additional feature that will accommodate night riding.
Each person will be treated to a BBQ meal and water will be given throughout the park, as well as ice cream. Hakim said, “We’re really going all out on this one.” Great effort has been done to make the 18th Annual Charity Festival better than before.
Nonprofit, community- based organizations are en-
couraged to set up a table and banner to pass out their brochures, business cards, and literature. There is no fee for this service. “This is a community affair, and we are asking all community organi- zations to use this event as a platform to promote commu- nity projects and awareness. You are invited to get to know your community leaders by meeting the Mayor, members of the school board, county commissioners and city coun- cil members. “Let’s make the 18th Annual Charity Festival a bigger success by being there and participating. Remem- ber the date - Sunday, April 26, 2015. Remember the place - MacFarlane Park. Re- member the time – 11 a .m. to 5p.m.
Hope to see you there!”
For more information, contact Hakim Aquil (813)
Ladies Of Purple Passion
After a quiet start of the New Year, the Ladies of Purple Passion are ready for their Spring Dance. The event will be held on Friday, April 17, 2015, 8 p. m., at the American Legion, 3910 W. Kennedy Blvd.
For more information, contact Thelma Stafford (813) 236-3640; Vaular Dene Rouse (813) 302- 9898; or Alberta Harris (813) 449- 2876.
These Ladies of Purple Passion will be at the Ameri- can Legion Hall Friday evening for their Sp[ring Dance. They are: Thelma Stafford, Vaular Dene Rouse and Al- berta Harris. (See advertisement in Friday’s issue)

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