Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 2-21-20
P. 2

   Board Approves Contract For New Superintendent
  Members of the Hillsborough County School Board are shown with new School Superintendent Addison Davis as he signs his $310,000 contract.
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
The new Hillsborough County Superintendent of Schools was chosen on Tues- day. Addison Davis signed his new contract for $310,000 per year. Board members unanimously ap- proved hiring him to fill the vacancy left by Jeff Eakins.
Davis will begin his tran- sition on March 2nd, working with Eakins for 2 weeks. At that time, Eakins will be on administrative leave until his contract expires on June 30th.
Davis will become Acting Superintendent until July 1st when he officially begins his role in the position.
Davis has spent more
than 20 years educating and supporting students in Florida. He began as a class- room teacher in Duval County and most recently served as Superintendent in Clay County, Florida. In his first year in Clay County, he was named a 2017-2018 Su- perintendent to Watch by the National School Public Rela- tions Association. This past year, he was a finalist for Florida’s Superintendent of the Year.
Davis’ salary of $310,000 will be in line with large school districts across the state and allows Hillsborough County to be more competi- tive now and in the future with attracting national lead- ers to the district.
 Tampa Police To Host 32nd Annual Black History Celebration
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Monday, February 24th, the Tampa Police De- partment will host its 32nd Annual Black History Cele- bration. The event will take place at the Robert W. Saunders, Sr., Public Li- brary, 1505 N. Nebraska Av- enue, Tampa, 33602, beginning at 6 p.m.
This year, Chief Brian Dugan and staff will make special presentations of Ex- cellence Scholarships to Hillsborough High School Seniors. The program will
also honor African Ameri- can Pioneers of the Tampa Police Department.
Four scholarships in the name of former Tampa Po- lice Officers will be pre- sented. The honorees and scholarship categories are: Academic Excellence Schol- arship in honor of Ser- geant Samuel Jones, Sr.
The recipients are Ronald Marshall, of Mid- dleton High School and Muhammad Ademola, of Tampa Bay Technical High School.
The Student Athlete Scholarship, in honor of Detective Herman Walker, will be presented to Joshua McDonald, of Middleton High School, and Keith Michael, of Stein- brenner High School.
The First Responders Scholarship, in honor of Lt. Romeo Cole, Jr., will be presented to Jasmin Fontela, of Jefferson High School.
The Chief’s Award, in honor of Captain Elijah Dixon, will be presented to Joidyn Clark, of Tampa Bay Technical High School, John Johnson, of Mid- dleton High School, and Imani Killings, of Riverview High School.
The recipients of the Perseverance Scholarship, in honor of Officer Thelma Alford, are Der- rick Andrew Powley, of Tampa Bay Technical High School, and Delanie Council, of Jefferson High School.

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