Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 5-22-20
P. 9

Tampa City Council Elects New Chair
Tampa Parks And Recreation Begins Next Phase Of Reopening
       GUIDO MANISCALCO (D-1) ...Chair, Tampa City Council
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
On May 7th, the Tampa City Council elected a new chairper- son.
Guido Manicalco, who represents District 6, was elected to serve the 1-year term. The Vice Chair is Joseph Citro (District 1). The current Council will serve through 2023.
Councilman Maniscalco
was born and raised in Tampa and is the son of Cuban and Ital- ian immigrants. He attended and graduated from Tampa Catholic High School, Hillsbor- ough Community College, and obtained a degree in English from the University of South
Councilman Maniscalco
is appointed to serve on several Boards.
Citro was elected Vice Chair after John Dingfelder lost a 4- 3 vote, being nominated by Bill Carlson.
Councilman Gudes To Chair CRA Board
Councilman Orlando Gudes (District 5) was elected to chair the Community Rede- velopment Agency (CRA). The CRA meets once a month, the 2nd Thursday of each month, and oversees 9 CRAs.
Bill Carlson (D-4) is his Vice Chair.
On May 4, the Parks and Recreation Department opened 13 park trails, beaches, and dog parks and beaches.
Starting Saturday, May 16th, all City of Tampa parks re- opened along with the following park amenities. Residents will be able to utilize the amenities listed below only if practicing social distancing and gathering of no more than 10 people.
• Open Outdoor Spaces
• Kayak and Canoe Launches • Tennis, Pickleball, Hand- ball, and Racquetball Courts (maximum of two people per
• Disc Golf Courses
• Walking Trails
• Skate Parks
• Athletic Fields (must con-
tact Athletics at (813) 731-
9432 to reserve use) • Restrooms
Please be aware that certain areas within the park such as picnic shel- ters, playgrounds, outdoor exercise equipment, bas- ketball courts, volleyball courts, and splash pads will remain closed.
The following year-round pools were also opened May 16, but are limited to lap swimming by appointment only, while par-
ticipants adhere to social dis- tancing guidelines.
• Bobby Hicks, 4120 W. Mango Ave., 33616
• Cuscaden, 2900 N. 15th St., 33605
• Cyrus Greene, 2101 E. Dr. MLK Blvd, 33603
• Del Rio, 10105 N. Boule- vard, 33603
• Interbay, 4321 W. Estrella St., 33629
• Loretta Ingraham, 1611 N. Hubert Ave., 33607
• Roy Jenkins, 154 Columbia Dr., 33606
• Sulphur Springs, 701 E. Bird St, 33604
To reserve your lap swim time, please call the pool you would like to utilize.
Appointments can be made for the current day only and will be limited to a maximum 1 hour session.
For pool hours and contact information visit
Residents will be required to follow social distancing guidelines and gatherings of more than 10 people will not be allowed while utilizing any park, pool, or amenity.
For more information, visit
 Veterans To Honor Brave Americans At Rest Haven Cemetery
Coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed the way many things have been done. It’s Me- morial Day Weekend and the members of VFW Post 10140, in the past have been placing flags on gravesites at Rest Haven Memorial Park Ceme- tery.
David Harris, Program Chairman of VFW Post 10140, and Mel Collins, Past District 12 Commander, have coordi-
nated an event to recognize the brave veterans at Rest Haven Cemetery, 4615 E. Hanna Ave. Instead of the regular Memo- rial Day Ceremony, they will gather at the cemetery on Sat- urday, May 23rd, at 7 a. m., to place the American flag on gravesites.
In order to participate, you must wear protective mask and be aware of the social distanc- ing guidelines.

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