Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 2-18-20
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   City Of Tampa Black History Committee Celebration Is Tuesday
        ERSULA ODOM ...Keynote Speaker
CELESTE GIBBONS-PEOPLES ...President, City of Tampa Black History Committee
  BYN GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The City of Tampa Black History Committee is coming up on its 32nd Annual Black History Celebration. The date is Tuesday, February 18, 2020, at 11 a. m., at the Tampa Convention Center, 333 S. Franklin Street, Tampa, Florida 33602 in
ROD CARTER ...Master Of Ceremonies
Ballroom B.
The theme for this cele-
bration is, “On Common Ground: Your Land, My Land, Our Land.”
This year’s celebration will feature Lockhart Ele- mentary Magnet School Drumline, Blake High School Aquilla Show Choir, and K. Renaa performing. Light refreshments will be served
after the celebration.
The Keynote Speaker will
be Ms. Ersula Odom, an author, and legacy writer for Sula Too, with more than 100 articles published to her credit.
WFLA-TV News Channel 8 Anchor, Rod Carter, will be the Master of Ceremonies.
According to Ms. Ce- leste Gibbons-Peoples, President of the City of Tampa Black History Com- mittee, “We will have a ven- dor room with our community partners, spon- sors, and others in Ballroom ‘A’ available to visit after the celebration. We will also have our Scholarship appli- cations available for distribu- tion; and we have a golf tournament coming up on April 25, 2020, at Rogers Park Golf Course that we will have forms for teams as well in the vendor room.”
     Deadline Set To Register For Primary Election
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Craig Latimer, Hillsbor- ough County Supervisor of Elections announced the deadline to register for the up- coming election. The deadline to register to vote or to change party affiliation is Tuesday, February 18th.
The 2020 Presidential Preference Primary Election will take place in Florida on Tuesday, March 17th.
Residents can vote by three methods. The can vote by mail by contacting the Su- pervisor of Elections Office no later than March 7th to request a ballot. The mail ballots must be received no later than 7 p.m., on March 17th.
The ballot must have been received by March 17th in order for the ballot to count.
Residents can participate in Early Voting by visiting one of the locations designated for Early Voting. You must vote in the County in which you are registered and you must have current and valid identifica- tion, such as a state issued ID Card or Driver’s License, stu- dent ID, passport, military ID, government employee ID, Neighborhood Assistance ID,
or Public Assistance ID.
In Hillsborough County, Early Voting will begin on Monday, March 2nd, and con- clude on Sunday, March 15th. Residents can vote between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6
The third way a resident
can vote is to visit his or her assigned voting precinct on March 17th. On Election Day, the polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Residents planning on vot- ing on Election Day are en- couraged to make sure their address is current with the Hillsborough County Supervi- sor of Elections Office prior to the Election.
       A Moment In Black History
   Satchel Paige became the oldest rookie to play Major League Baseball at the age of 42. He continued to play until he was 47-years- old.
In 1967, Robert H. Lawrence, Jr. became the first African-American to be trained as an astronaut. He unfortunately died in a plane crash during flight training before he could be sent on his first space mission. Sixteen years later, Guion “Guy” Bluford carried on Lawrence’s legacy by becom- ing the first Black man in space.

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