Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 2-18-20
P. 9

 St. Peter Claver Celebrates 126 Years
 A Celebration Ball is planned.
A celebration of “Coura- geously Serving the Commu- nity,” chronicles the planning, purpose and out- reach of the St. Peter Claver Black and White Ball sched- uled for Saturday, February 22,2020,6P.M.–11P.M., at the Tampa Marriott West- shore Ballroom, 1001 N. Westshore Boulevard, Tampa. The public is invited to attend.
To lead the celebratory evening, Reverend Ed- ward J. Johnson, Jr., Pastor of Flat Rock African Methodist Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, Georgia, and Mayor of the City of Fayet- teville, Georgia will return as guest speaker.
Mayor Johnson is a graduate of Dillard Univer- sity and a former U. S. Navy Commander, amassing ex- ceptional leadership abilities that have generated numer- ous personal commenda-
REV. EDWARD J. JOHNSON, JR. ...Guest Speaker
Mayor Johnson has led
his flock at Flat Rock into re- newed spiritual, charitable and financial growth. The
church is involved in a Prison Ministry, Homeless Outreach Ministry, Senior Home Outreach Ministry and Men’s Ministry. Addi- tionally, the church recently completed a $750,000 ex- pansion project.
As St. Peter Claver com- pletes 126 years of serving the community, parishioners point, with pride, to its char- itable work. The longest serving African American catholic school in the state of Florida, is a major accom- plishment. Other points of pride include – longstanding service to Saint Vincent de- Paul Society to assist in the unmet needs of families of the community; Knights of Peter Claver, the Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary and
Junior Daughters serve as vessels of spiritual and hu- manitarian support through- out Tampa and beyond; Holiday Concert featuring the St. Peter Claver renown gospel choir; Herbert D. Carrington Memorial Schol- arship Award provides fi- nancial support for high achieving graduating seniors who are college bound.
Friends and former St. Peter Claver parishioners and alumni are encouraged to reunite on this celebratory occasion.
Father Theo Weia, ALCP, is Pastor; Deacon Ben Hooks is Deacon.
Please call the Church Of- fice for additional informa- tion at (813) 223-7098.

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