Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 2-18-20
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Pictures From The Past
ORGANIZATIONS HOST POLITICAL FORUM, 2010 – Herbert and Luella Carrington, Jr., and Yvonne L. Boatwright attended the forum.
General Hospital: Valentin runs into Lulu. Carly and Bobbie make plans. Michael is suspicious. Lucas struggles with flashbacks. Anna bumps into Finn. Molly vocalizes her opinions.
Nelle makes a discreet exit. Sonny delivers a warning. Curtis con- fronts Jordan.
The Bold & The Beautiful: Hope and Zoe overhear Liam sling accusations at Thomas and things get intense. Flo comforts Wyatt as he struggles to process Sally’s diagnosis. Thomas sends an important message to Hope through an unwitting Douglas. Liam works to make Zoe see Thomas is up to no good.
Hope reassures Douglas, who worries he’ll lose her as his mother. Thomas puts his plan in high gear with a dinner party at the Forrester mansion.
The Young & The Restless: Phyllis offers Chelsea a deal to keep Adam out of prison, Chance has news for Devon about Colin, and Sum- mer’s mystified by Lola. Devon follows a lead on his money. Phyllis plays with Adam. Nikki hosts a lavish gala to celebrate the 50th an- niversary of Newman Enterprises and Victor.
Victor reminisces with family and friends at the gala. Noah, Victor’s first wife, Julia, and Victor’s brother, Matt attend the gala.
Days Of Our Lives: Gabi makes a huge admission. Lani crashes Gabi and Eli’s wedding. Valerie Grant attends her son’s wedding. Julie collapses! Sonny and Will separately recall their last Valentine’s Day together. Jennifer receives sad news about a loved one – the death of Bill Horton. Doug reflects on his 50 years in Salem (Bill Hayes’s 50th anniversary episode).
ORGANIZATIONS HOST POLITICAL FORUM, 2010 – The Hillsborough County Democratic Black Caucus, the National Coalition of 100 Black Women and Michelle B. Patty hosted the forum. The Moderator for the forum was Charles Golston and the deaf signer was Ms. Derelyn Roberts.
ORGANIZATIONS HOST POLITICAL FORUM, 2010 – The forum was held at the First Baptist Church of College Hill. Florida Attorney General Candidate, Dan Gerber, is shown with Me’Shay Holiday and Selphenia Hudson-Shields.
LADIES OF NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH COMMITTEE ATTEND FORUM, 2010 – Some of the commit- tee members who were present were: Ms. Ruth Fleming, Ms. Gloria Smart and Ms. Ida E. Johnson.
GENTLEMEN OF NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH COMMITTEE ATTEND FORUM, 2010 – Some of the gentlemen from the Neighborhood Watch Committee are: Jerry Balloon, Herman Monroe, Dr. Aaron Smith, Perry Everett, Bryant Everett and Levi Fleming.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): An interaction with a female friend will be important for you today. This discussion might include exploring future goals. You might discover a new goal for yourself or decide to modify or tweak an existing goal. Perhaps this is because peo- ple from the past are back in your world again?
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): This is a curious way to begin your week. One celestial influence makes you want to hide and work alone or behind the scenes. Nevertheless, another influence indicates that you are high viz. today. People notice you! In fact, they're talking about you. (Whaaat?).
Aries (March 21-April 19): This is the perfect day for dreams about your future. What possible adventures await you? How can you stir the pot to make something exciting happen? Travel to distant places with the chance to meet new people, learn new things and see new places intrigues you!
Taurus (April 20-May 20): You are the financial wizard of the zodiac. You are mulling over ideas about shared property, wills, inher- itances, taxes and debt. You feel genuine concern for others today; nev- ertheless, you also have to sort out your own business, as well.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): The Moon is opposite your sign. (This occurs for two days every month.) When this happens, it in- creases your focus on close friends and partners plus, it means you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): Certain issues at work will matter to you. You care. It could be that you care about a coworker because you feel nurturing towards others today? (This concern might also relate to a pet.) Or perhaps, your focus is on getting your own world organ- ized?
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): This is a lovely day! It's tough to start your week in work mode because you would rather play hooky, or bet- ter yet, be somewhere on vacation. Socialize extensively. Enjoy the company of others, especially children. Romance will be mystical.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Although this week you will work hard and party hard - today you are focused on home, family and a fe- male relative. An important discussion might take place. In addition, you personally will welcome a chance to cocoon at home.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): This is a lovely way to start your week! Venus opposite your sign guarantees warm relations with those who are closest to you. The placement of the Sun encourages you to be play- ful and fun-loving. (Old flames might be back in your world.) Today you are eager to communicate to someone to share an idea.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Money is on your mind today. This is a good thing because in the last year or so, many of you have become richer, which means you need to know how to handle your money wisely so that it works for you and makes your life easier. Ya think?
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The Moon is in your sign. (It is in your sign for two days every month - ditto for the rest of us.) When this happens, it makes you more emotional than usual and certainly more caring and nurturing for others. It can also slightly boost your good luck!
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You feel low key and will prefer to retire or hide somewhere. Solitude in pleasant surroundings will please you. You will enjoy relaxing at home and exploring redecorating ideas. You'll have lots of energy this week because fiery Mars is in your sign!