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     February Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers celebrat- ing this month. Felix Powell and Dr. Antonio Wilker- son, 2/1; Nina Small, 2/2; Sara House, 2/3; Janice Fitgerald, 2/4; Johnathan Hawkins, 2/7; Cynthia Phillips Brown, Rick Brown and Dec. Ulysses McMillan, 2/8; Artis Backey, 2/9; Lorrice Un- derwood Jones, 2/11; Bishop Andre Wright, James DeBose, and Willie Ruth Miller, 2/12; Terry Parker Roe, 2/13; Yolanda Blake, 2/14; Trey Daniels, Eva Wilson and, Jacque- line Barr-Strode, 2/16; Marion Washington (101 years young), 2/18; Hattie Sellers-Crawford and Gilbert Washington, 2/20; Leslie Jackson, 2/21; Cory Darby, 2/24; and Theresa Marie Drayton, 2/28.
Our Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie
Kemp, Jr., Clennie Mc- Cray, Elouise Griffin, Thelma Singleton, Cather- ine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tolbert, Lillian Tolbert, and Henrietta Sanders.
Progress Village Little League Registration
Saturdays, 2/1 & 2/8 10am – 12pm Location: 5855 South 78th St. Tampa 33619
My Brothers
2 Keep Ministry
To have free greeting cards and Bibles mailed to Florida inmates, send request to: My Brothers 2 Keep Ministry, P. O. Box 89174, Tampa, FL 33689.
Community High Noon Prayer Band
The Prayer Band cele- brated their 31st Anniversary on January 21st with a fellow- ship luncheon at Red Lobster. Prayer was provided by Mother Mozelle Hester, and Scripture by Mother Erma Ford. Welcome and Historical highlights were shared by Dorothy West; a
candlelight presentation was done by Bernese Reese and Katherine Clark; blessing of the food was done by Norma Morton, Roesolia Young acknowledge visitors and Vic- toria Brown provided the closing prayer.
Other members attending were: Barbara Jean Little, Gladys Birkett, Eleanor Larkins, Amanda Page, Ruth Hires, and Mary Ann Thornton, Program Chair- person.
Guests also in attendance were: Estella Mosley, Min- ister Joseph and Jackie Jones, Dec. John and Joann Butler, Emma Green, Melvin Morton, Carol Page, Martha Jones, Geneva Slaymon, Verdell Bell, Leslie and Sandra Jackson and Sharon Daniels.
Our sympathy is extended to member Lorraine Sim- mons in the passing of her brother, Gregory Russell.
Get well wishes go out to members, Olivia Darby and Gladys Birkett.
The High Noon Band meets every Tuesday at the First Baptist Church of Progress Village, Dr. Sam Maxwell, Senior Pastor. All are welcome to join.
Progress Village Civic Council Annual Donations
The Progress Village Civic Council is a Non-Profit
(501c3) organization. All resi- dents of the Progress Village Community are members of the Civic Council. To help sup- port the work we do in the community, we ask for a yearly (tax-deductible) donation from each household of $25.00. Please send your do-
nation in form of check of money order to: Progress Vil- lage Civic Council, 7933 Flower Ave. Tampa, FL 33619.
Call your news for Progress Village and surrounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741-3604.
 Library News & Events
Chess Club At The Library
Saturday, February 01, 2020 And February 8, 2020 10 AM - 12 PM
Riverview - James B. Johnson Community Room Learn and play the game of chess with Coach Ted McNair! Benefits of this classic and fun game include improved memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. All ages and skill levels
are welcome.
All ages are invited to learn and play the game of chess! Bene- fits of this classic and fun game include improved memory, con- centration, and problem-solving skills.
Walk - In Tech Help
Saturday, February 08, 2020 and February 22, 2020 4 PM - 5 PM
78th Street - Community Room
Drop in any time during this one hour open lab for quick train- ing in computer basics, tablets, smartphones, e-books, e-readers, and more.
Saturday At The Movies:
Spiderman - Far From Home
Saturday, February 01, 2020 3 PM - 5 PM
78th Street - Community Room
Peter Parker is on a trip to Europe with his classmates when elementals start wreaking havoc across the continent. Nick Fury enlists his help to fight the new threats, alongside master illusion- ist Mysterio. Rated PG-13.
  Chess Do It @ The Lutz Library Saturday, February 01, 2020 1 PM - 3 PM
Lutz - Community Room

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