Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 1-31-20
P. 9

   City Of Tampa Housing And Community Development Division To Hold Resource Fair
 The 2nd of 4 Resource Fairs will be held Saturday, February 1st
The City of Tampa Housing and Community Devel- opment Division is hosting the 2nd of four Community Resource Fairs (once a quarter). The upcoming Com- munity Resource Fair will be held on Saturday, Febru- ary 1st, at Jefferson High School from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
These events are designed to be a one stop shop to help area residents meet their needs. Vendors are in- vited to join this worthwhile event!
The theme of The Community Resource Fair is “Ac- tion Today. Resilient Tomorrow.” This theme reminds us that our action or inaction will affect our tomorrow.
The goal is that through this act of bringing re- sources together and meeting the needs of the commu- nity, individuals and families individuals and families will be helped to take actions that will insure their sus- tainability and resiliency for tomorrow.
As participants visit the various vendors and learn about current job opportunities during the mini job fair, housing and educational opportunities and pro- grams as they attend interactive workshops, and visit
the mini food pantry providing groceries for their home so they can start on the path to sustaining their future.
Last quarter, the 1st Community Resource Fair was held in East Tampa at Young Middle Magnet School and served over 100 attendees. It was the first time that the City brought multiple resources together for a “One-Stop Serve” event. Lessons learned during the last event will make this next one bigger and better. While the last event was successful, there are efforts to improve and do more with marketing, better parking,
more resources, more bi-lingual resources, etc.
This is an opportunity for your organization to partner with the City of Tampa and to join other indi- viduals, organizations, and coalitions in efforts to ed- ucate and meet the needs of residents from housing to training to employment to healthcare to transporta- tion. This is not only the “City on Saturday” it’s Com- munity Resources all in one convenient location. Area residents will be able to come to one location and learn how to improve their quality of life, without driving around to the wrong place or worse taking a bus to find
they need to go across town.
For this resource fair the City has currently part-
nered with Coca-Cola, Entravision, U. S. Census Bu- reau, Telemundo, and the City of Tampa Parks & Recreations Department (Teen Summer Jobs) for the mini Job Fair, to name a few of the companies that will be participating. As well as vendors such as The Amer- ican Red Cross of Tampa Bay, Children’s Board of Hillsborough County, Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay, Inc., R.E.A.C.H., and Assisting Hands Home Care to provide resources dedicated to the community.
To register for the event or to learn more please visit the website at www.tampagovnet/HCD.

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