Page 20 - Florida Sentinel 6-28-19
P. 20
1. Check-In With Yourself
Get in tune with your own feelings. How are you feeling today? If it’s not so good, think of the things or ways you can make it better. Then, do it. It could be a cup of coffee, a walk to your favorite spot in the park at lunchtime or spending an extra 15 mins in the shower. Make the life you want to be excited about wak-
ing up to, each and every day.
2.Think Higher
When we’re stuck in a rut, it may al- ways seem that it couldn’t get any worse. But guess what, it can. To turn that downhill spi- ral up, think of your bigger pic- ture immediately. Even if it’s something horrible like a loved one passing. Think of how you now have a guardian angel looking over you, who knows you in-and-out, that will be with you wherever you may go.
It’s all in how you choose to view things.
3.Find Humor Laughter just might
be the cure-all! If you’re
feeling low, brighten your day with a good chuckle. Believe it or not, there’s humor to be found in just about any- thing. Got a ticket? Just imag- ine how funny it would’ve been to pop up on the meter maid out of nowhere to scare the crap out them while they’re
ticketing your car. The look on their face would be, priceless.
4.Come with Gratitude
With work, meetings, vacations, shopping, dinners and movie dates, it can all become our “norm”. But if you really take time to sit back and think about how blessed you are to be able to do these exact things compared to oth- ers, you will always have grati- tude in your heart. Come with
thankfulness and you’ll always be smiling.
5. Keep Life Simple Let’s not front, some- times we tend to make our lives harder than they need to be. No one said you “needed” that $200 hand- bag, now weeks later, you’re having to choose between pay- ing your light bill or cable bill. If you live by the mantra, “take only what you need, leave the rest to someone else in need,” you’ll start seeing the upside to a lot more things other than what’s the latest purse you’re wearing. When in doubt, just
keep it simple.
6.Be Contagious Once you do find that
balance of everyday
struggles and start see- ing the brighter side of things, share it with every stranger, friend and family member you come across. Spreading the love will not only bring that personal happiness but will in- turn keep your spirits high too. Tell someone they’re shining today. Let a person know if they motivate you to do better. Be love. Share love.
We never know what people around us are going through. In
fact, if we did, we’d surely be amazed at how some people around us
are able to walk around with their heads held high and a smile on their face, in spite of all they’re going through. Happiness is actually a choice–it’s a state of mind. Our mentality and how we truly view things makes it a reality to us. It’s the ability to take what life has given us and personalizing it in a way that benefits and pleases us. Curi- ous about how to achieve this? Check out these steps of how to choose happiness through your state of mind: