Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 6-28-19
P. 4

   Bishop Williams, COGIC Welcome AIM 2019 National Convention To Tampa
 BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Jurisdictional Bishop of the Florida South- western Ecclesiastical Juris- diction and General Board Member of the Church of God In Christ, Inc., welcomes the Auxiliaries in Ministry (AIM) Convention, to Tampa
for its National Convention. AIM, the Annual Sum- mer Convention of the Church of God In Christ, Inc., will be held in Tampa, July 1-5, 2019, with a host of powerful speakers and pre- senters. The events will be held at the Tampa Conven- tion Center, in Downtown
Among the speakers will
be: Presiding Bishop
with Bishop Alton Gatlin, International President, Sun- day School Department, Church of God in Christ.
More than 30,000 visi- tors are expected to converge on the City next week.
AIM is geared toward spiritual enrichment, train- ing, education and fellow- ship. The goal of AIM is effectiveness in ministry. The Convention, a family involve- ment experience, brings to- gether five auxiliaries of the Church: Music and Youth, Missions and Evangelism and Sunday School, as they share three conventions in one setting.
Bishop Linwood Dil- lard and the AIM Depart- ment heads are excited to have all the attendees come and worship with us in Tampa, FL. The majority of services will be held at the Tampa Convention Center and at different hotels lo- cated in downtown Tampa. Please visit the website for more information and speakers lineup.
Bishop Williams
stated, “We also welcome all of the delegates to the Sun- shine State. As the host Bishop, in conjunction with the Florida United Bishops, we are excited that the AIM Convention chose Tampa for this convention once again.
“We believe that this will be an amazing time of teach- ing and spiritual growth for all that attends. We thank the Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr., and Bishop Linwood Dillard for your support and leader- ship. See you there!”
    Bishop Williams,
BISHOP MATTHEW WILLIAMS ...Jurisdictional Bishop, Host Pastor
Charles Blake, AIM Chair- man, Bishop Linwood Dillard, Bishop Matthew Williams, Pastor Keion
BISHOP CHARLES E. BLAKE, SR. ...Presiding Bishop
Henderson, Bishop Alton Gatlin, Evangelist
Karen Clark-Sheard, Dr. Tony Evans, and Interna- tional Chairlady, Evangelist Joyce Rodgers.
Pastor A. D. Shaw, who is the local and regional AIM Chairman, and Senior Pastor of Shekinah Glory Cathedral COGIC, invites the community to the Pre-Con- vention Musical on Sunday, evening, June 30, 2019, 6 p. m. at Brown Memorial COGIC, 2313 E. 27th Ave., Tampa 33605, where Bishop Matthew Williams is the Senior Pas- tor.
The Convention kicks off with the Community Out- reach on Monday, July 1, 2019 at the Trinity Café.
Later in the evening, the Welcoming Program will be held at the Tampa Conven- tion Center.
Bishop Williams, General Board Member, is scheduled to speak on Tues- day, July 2nd, during the noon worship service, along
Jekalyn Winston,
Carr, Dr. Bill Evangelist

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