Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 6-28-19
P. 6

White House
  Impeachment Backers Say Mueller's Testimony Could Be A Game-Changer
The Obamas’ Visit To The Clooneys Will Reportedly Create A Lake Como Security ‘Exclusion Zone’
    Washington -House Democ- rats advocating for impeach- ment say special counsel Robert Mueller's testimony next month could be a game- changer to push both public opinion and reticent Democ- rats toward opening an im- peachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
But Mueller's appearance amounts to a make-or-break moment for the House im- peachment caucus. If the spe- cial counsel's testimony falls flat or doesn't change minds, it could deflate the momentum for impeachment that's swelled to nearly 80 House Democrats backing an inquiry just before a lengthy, month-long congres- sional recess.
Tuesday's announcement that Mueller would testify publicly on July 17 before the House Judiciary and Intelli- gence committees has been weeks in the making, as De- mocrats and some Republicans have pressed for the special counsel's appearance, even after he publicly said he did not want to testify. For Democrats backing an impeachment in- quiry, Mueller's testimony is a prime opportunity to sway public opinion on the special counsel investigation that they feel was tainted by the way At- torney General William
Special counsel Robert Mueller's
Barr presented his findings. "It's the best evidence. If he just talks about the report, it'll make more people realize the criminal behavior that (Trump) engaged in," said Rep. Steve Cohen, a Ten- nessee Democrat who has sponsored an impeachment
"The pressure to impeach
grows every single day, and I think that having testimony, public testimony, from Robert Mueller will add credence to the case, and that it only adds to the pressure once his state- ments are made public," said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez, a New York Democrat who backs an impeachment in- quiry.
   There aren’t too many sce- narios one could imagine that would necessitate the cre- ation of a 300-foot “exclusion zone,” for which an actual fine is incurred on any “ves- sel or vehicle” that infringe on a 300-ft radius of a partic- ular spot—but such will be the case this weekend, ac- cording to the Daily Mail, when the Obama family de- scends upon the Clooney enclave at Laglio on Lake Como.
The outlet reports that the former President and First Lady, as well as daughters, Malia and Sasha, will be making their way to Italy, hopping on a private jet to Milan, from Provence, where they were reportedly staying at a $60,000-per-week villa in the country’s wine region. The Obamas are expected at the charity dinner for the Clooney Foundation for Jus- tice on Saturday evening.
When the high-profile family does arrive to hang with the Clooneys—who have previously hosted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Brad Pitt, Bono,
  and others—locals hoping for a blurry (but chic!) long-lens Instagram Story of the group will be out of luck. The Laglio governor has imposed a fine of approximately $565 on anyone who gets within 300 feet of the villa, which is typ- ically accessible to the public.
The mayor confirmed to a news outlet that there were added security measures being implemented for the occasion: “The parking lot at the back of Villa Oleandra will be closed for two days, Saturday and Sunday, be- cause it should be available for the security service cars. In the territory and also on the lake, numerous men and
law enforcement agencies will be in service,” he said to Estadao. A nearby beach and local pier will also be closed over the weekend, save for boat owners, and the water around the villa will also be included in the exclusion zone. The Daily Mail also re- ports that there is a “warning to potential drone pilots” aiming for overhead shots.
The mayor seems excited, though, about the boon this could provide to the area, calling it “an exceptional pro- motion for our territory and a great honor,” even if there are logistical complications. “For such a great honor, there is a price we must pay,” he said.
   Sanders To Propose Canceling Entire $1.6 Trillion In U. S. Student Loan Debt, Escalating Democratic Policy Battle
Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Obamacare Cases With Billions Of Dollars At Stake
 The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a challenge from health insur- ers who argue the federal government owes them hefty Obamacare payments, stok- ing the possibility the Trump administration could be forced to pay out billions of dollars for a law it's tried to dismantle.
The insurers claim they are due money from an Oba- macare program helping companies that attracted sick and expensive customers in the early years of the law's in- surance marketplaces. The justices' decision to take the case means it will reconsider an earlier appellate court rul- ing that the federal govern- ment isn’t on the hook for the payments.
The Supreme Court will consider combined cases from three small insurers, but its eventual ruling will serve as a precedent for dozens of other similar pend- ing cases. Altogether, insur-
ers believe they’re owed more than $12 billion.
This marks the fifth Oba- macare-related case the Supreme Court has agreed to hear in almost a decade since the law's passage, and it may soon hear another — a consti- tutional challenge brought by Republican-led states and supported by the Trump ad- ministration.
Unlike that lawsuit or pre- vious challenges to Afford- able Care Act's individual mandate and subsidy scheme heard by the Supreme Court, the health insurer cases don't
directly threaten the law's underpinnings. Nor do they address a deep partisan di- vide like two previous Supreme Court challenges over the requirement for em- ployers to provide free birth control coverage under the ACA.
“This is not an ideological challenge to the ACA," said Katie Keith, a Georgetown Law professor who tracks health care litigation. “This is more about previous Supreme Court precedent and whether the lower court got it right or not.”
    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I- Vt.) will propose on Monday eliminating all $1.6 trillion of student debt held in the United States, a significant escalation of the policy fight in the 2020 Democratic presidential pri- mary two days before the can- didates’ first debate in Miami.
Sanders is proposing the federal government pay to wipe clean the student debt held by 45 million Americans — in- cluding all private and gradu- ate school debt — as part of a package that also would make public universities, community colleges and trade schools tu- ition-free.
Sanders is proposing to pay for these plans with a tax on Wall Street his campaign says will raise more than $2 trillion over 10 years, though some tax experts give lower revenue estimates.
Sanders will be joined Monday by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who will introduce
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks to the crowd during the 2019 South Carolina Democratic Party State Convention on June 22.
legislation in the House to eliminate all student debt in the United States, as well as Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D- Wash.), co-chair of the Con- gressional Progressive Caucus, who has championed legisla- tion to make public universities tuition-free.

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