Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 12-17-19
P. 4

  Dad Of Slain Athlete:
Rides Bike To Capitol To Stop Gun Violence
  Nearly three years ago, one the lives of one Tampa family was changed forever with the death of their son, Jayquon Johnson. After his death, his father, Johnny Johnson, has come to understand that changes need to be made in our judicial system.
Jayquon was 17 years old when a gunshot ended his life on January 1, 2017. His family learned that Cody Quinn, who admitted shooting his classmate would not be charged in connection with the death.
Since that time, Johnson has dedicated his life to draw- ing attention to gun violence. And he is inviting anyone who shares his desire to stop the vi-
JOHNNY JOHNSON Father of Jayquon Johnson
olence to join him in the bicy- cle ride to Tallahassee.
On Monday, January 13, 2020, Johnson will begin a 2-day bicycle ride to Tallahas- see. “I am riding to Tallahas-
see because the new session begins on January 14th.
“I am riding because we need to change the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law. When will a life become more important than the NRA? A human life should be worth more than $1 bill. If we don’t change this law, we will be turning our so- ciety back into the wild, wild west.”
Johnson went on to name several other family members who died as a result of gun vi- olence since the death of his son. He said not only should we repeal that law, but vote those who support it out of of- fice.
“It is time we stop the gun violence. We cannot just sit back and do nothing.”
Johnson is calling his
journey “A Ride For Quon” and plans to meet anyone wishing to join him at 9 a.m., at Rest Haven Memorial Park Cemetery. He plans to leave from his son’s grave at 10 a.m. He expects to arrive in Talla- hassee in 2 days.
Jayquon was the son of Ms. Kennishia Doyle-An- derson and Johnny John- son, Sr., a Tampa native and attended the public schools of Hillsborough County. He was a starting member of the Bran- don High School Basketball Team at the time of his death.
Johnson has established a gofundme page to help with the cost of the trip. Anyone wishing to make a donation can visit https://www.go- quon.
           JAYQUON JOHNSON 7/8/1999 to 1/1/2017

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