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Somebody Is Always Watching
I don't want to sound the alarm, but I think it may be time for us to re-con-
sider just how much of the new technology being introduced to the world we should incor- porate into our daily lives. I say this because, as easy as many of these gadgets and in- novations make certain activi- ties, they don't seem to be worth the trouble and poten- tial danger that comes with the convenience.
Take, for instance, the problem people have been having recently with their home monitoring systems. For months now there have been several instances reported where these systems have been hacked and families terrorized by unknown individuals who were able to use the video sur- veillance against them.
In one case a young girl, playing inside of her room, heard a voice come over the home speaker who told her that she was being watched by Santa Claus. At first the child thought that the voice may have belonged to her father. But, after realizing that it was coming from a complete stranger, she ran screaming to her parents.
In another case, a Black family, who installed a similar network of cameras inside of their dwelling, was constantly
harassed by a different unseen creep who was able to keep track of their every move while inundating them with a seem- ingly, never ending barrage of racial insults. Like the previ- ous family, the ordeal left them shaken and the fact that au- thorities had no way of finding out who was responsible made the situation even more un- nerving.
In both of these scenarios the peeping toms appeared to be simple pranksters who, after somehow gaining access to the security accounts of each family, decided to scare the members of the house- holds by making the residents aware of the eerie idea that someone was able to peer in- side of their homes from a re- mote location. But, the thing I wonder is, what if these voyeurs never let their pres- ence be known and continued to spy as clandestine ob- servers?
You have to imagine that, had these jackasses kept their mouths closed, this kind of viral stalking could have gone on forever without the victims ever knowing that they were part of some weirdoes enter- tainment. And, considering the large market that exists in the darkest corners of the in- ternet for this type of content, it's not out of the realm of pos-
sibility that live feeds like these could have reached an even wider audience.
This, unfortunately, is one of the hazards that come with becoming a part of the inter- connected. What you once knew as privacy ceases to exist.
With smart watches track- ing your biometrics, devices like the Echo recording your most intimate dinner table conversations, smart refriger- ators keeping tabs on what you purchase and vulnerable, smart televisions essentially becoming two-way mirrors for hackers as well, every aspect of your existence becomes a part of the public domain. With so many doors to your life open, it shouldn't be a surprise when a cyber intruder decides that he or she also wants to step into the mix.
The thing is, it doesn't have to be this way. Just because they tell you that every new gizmo they come up with is a must have item doesn't neces- sarily mean it's always the best thing for you.
After all, society survived a long time without the benefit of an artificially intelligent as- sistant sitting atop a kitchen counter, a video camera watching the kids or televi- sions you can control with your voice. Back then it may have taken a little more energy to accomplish the same goals, but at least you didn't have to worry about the entire planet being in your business or snooping around inside of pri- vate spaces they weren't in- vited.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Com- pany. You can contact Mr. Barr at: cbar-
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
A Bitter But Necessary Fruit
magine a bowl of peaches and cream . . . with a
sprinkling of sugar. Then, imagine the spectacle of the impeachment of the 45th president of the United States . . . two words (peaches and impeachment) that have similar spelling . . . , but, after the spelling, the similarity stops with a bitter aftertaste.
Ripe peaches with sugar and cream are sweet to the taste, but the impeachment of a Commander-In-Chief is anything but sweet.
In fact, it’s as bitter as gall. Were it a fruit, it would leave a bad taste as it was when President Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton were impeached, as it may happen with Donald Trump . . . not a bowl of cherries, but a purgative – a laxative - for a democratic system about to be poisoned by a virus of delusions of dicta- torship.
Yes, impeachment is a fruit . . . a bitter fruit. But if the body of our Republic is to prevail, it needs a little “Exlax” whenever such a situation is needed.
Expect And Prepare
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the govern- ment shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Fa- ther, The Prince of Peace.”
– Isaiah 9:6, KJV
e have embarked
upon one of the great- est seasons of the year. This is the time of year when Chris- tians celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. This season is marked by a time of commemorating the first com- ing of Christ, while waiting with expectation and prepara- tion for the second coming of Christ. For it is because of God’s love toward us that He stepped out of heaven’s eter- nity and down into the chrono-
logical world of man’s time to redeem us back to Himself.
As the name Jesus im- plies, He is our Savior. He is also Christ, the anointed one. The book of Isaiah Chapter 9 verse 6 describes Him as Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The Everlasting Father and The Prince of Peace.
Whenever you go through a difficult situation that some- how seems to work out in your favor, I want you know that, that is the wonder working power of God that moved on your behalf. He is Wonderful!
When you are faced with difficult decisions to make and you don’t know which way to turn, seek God for His guid- ance. He is a Counselor!
When your adversaries try to overtake you and scandalize your name, fear not because He can defeat every enemy
that rises up against you. He is
The Mighty God!
When your earthly father has passed away or is nowhere to be found, be encouraged that God will never leave you, nor forsake you. He is the Everlasting Father!
When you can’t sleep at night because of all the havoc and turmoil in your life, just call on the name of Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace!
This holiday season will you allow Him to be Wonder- ful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father and The Prince of Peace in your life? He came to be all this and more.
Expect it, as you wait in preparation for His return.
About Selphenia Selphenia is available to speak at churches, schools, universities, business organi- zations, retreats and confer-
To request Selphenia to
speak or train at your upcom- ing event call 813-603-0088.
Facebook: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; Instagram: @Selphenia; and Twitter: @queenofsuccess1.