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    A Race To The Bottom
   As it stands now, it seems as though the never-end- ing train wreck, that is the Donald Trump presi- dency, could soon be coming to an abrupt end. At least that's what, I'm sure, most people are hoping and antici- pating in the wake of the most recent allegations of miscon- duct that have been leveled against Trump and his cronies.
It was announced earlier this week that the House of Representatives would begin an impeachment inquiry on the 45th president after a whistleblower informed au- thorities that Trump, once again, reached out to a foreign power for dirt on a political rival.
You would think that, by now, Trump would know bet- ter than to attempt such a hair-brained scheme after wit- nessing all of the heads roll around him during the Russ- ian collusion investigation. But, apparently, like most crooks, he probably assumed he was slick enough to try his hand one more time.
Unlike the previous episode, though, where it was almost impossible to prove Trump's direct involvement in a meeting that took place
between his son, Donald Trump Jr., and Russian offi- cials inside of Trump Tower, this go around transcripts exist from a phone conversa- tion Trump had with Ukrain- ian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, asking the Euro- pean leader to investigate the activities of Senator Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. It was a request that, accord- ing to the House Intelligence Committee, explicitly violated campaign finance laws as well as the Constitution of the United States.
While there's little doubt that everyone who hates Trump is ecstatic about how all of this could translate to, Trump being booted from the White House, to be honest, there's a part of me that does- n't want Trump's tenure to conclude this conveniently. This isn't to say that I'm not ready to watch Trump's al- abaster backside skidding down Pennsylvania Avenue, I just think that allowing Trump to leave in such fash- ion lets his constituents off the hook.
Personally, I would much rather him finish his term and then see what happens in No- vember? After everything that he put this nation through, I'm
really curious to find out if his supporters, who consider themselves so-called "patriots" and who were so quick to crit- icize Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem, will feel compelled to re-elect a man who has done far worse in disrespecting the nation they claim to love?
If they don't choose to keep Trump around then, to me, it would signify that America could have the potential to achieve the greatness that it has so often fallen short of at- taining. If they do decide that Trump is deserving of 4 more years then, as far as I'm con- cerned, they might as well take all of their slogans, flags and declarations of exceptionalism and use them for toilet paper because their decision will be a testament to the hypocrisy and fallacy of the ideals they hold so dear.
Though Trump's im- peachment would be great in the short term, if for no other reason than to bring some form of order and decorum back to the top position within the U. S. government, the re- sult of the 2020 election will be the true litmus test to see if the voters in this country learned their lesson from their colossal failure in 2016, or if they're, indeed, hard-headed, pain-freaks who must hit ab- solute rock bottom before it dawns on them how badly they actually screwed up.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bul- letin Publishing Company. You can contact Mr. Barr at:
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     A Child Shall Lead Us
 hange will not come if we wait for some other person,
 or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek...” President Obama
Proving that one person can make a difference, a Swedish 16-year-old, Greta Thunberg, raised the awareness and sup- port of youth all over the world to protest global warming. A hardy thank-you and praise to Greta and the hundreds of thousands of other youths who seized the issue of global warming and took it to the streets, all over the world to let adults know they care and are not happy about how the pol- lution and global warming is destroying our planet.
We adults should be ashamed that our children and grandchildren have to fight for us to leave them a world with air they can breathe, water they can drink, food they can grow (if there are any bees left), or healthy seas from which they fish.
Each of us should heed their call to save a world for them to live in. Besides calling our elected officials and letting them know we want them to stop all off-shore drilling for oil and gas until the chance of spills is reduced significantly, and we want them to increase the federal standard for emissions from cars.
  Moreover, we want them to restore the Obama Waters of the U. S. Rules and to honor the Paris Climate Agreement, strengthening the Environmental Protection Agency rules and increasing the agency monitoring activities and helping put out some of the 7,284 forest fires burning all over the world.
Allowing industries to ignore global warming in favor of bottom-line profits is the same as putting loaded guns to our children and grandchildren’s heads.
Installing clean energy technology, planting trees and car- bon dioxide reduction should top the list of every nation’s global warming remediation plan. We want them to increase the federal standard for emissions from cars.
Moreover, there needs to be a massive tree-planting all over the world (a trillion trees) to replace fifty percent of all of the world’s forests that we have lost to logging and forest fires. Logging and monitoring of deforestation over the world needs to be regulated.
Last, but not least, the leaching of chemicals into our drinking water by landfills, coal ash dumps, gypsum piles, gasoline storage tanks, etc., should undergo testing on a reg- ular basis. We are moving past the point of no return and the ability to stop earth’s destruction. If we fail to act now, God help us.

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