Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 3-20-20
P. 11
Bucs’ Super Fan Says ‘Thank You’ To Jameis
Albert Owens, better known as “Bucified Bert,” the #1 Bucs Fan, is sad to see Jameis Winston leave the Tampa Bay Buccaneer organization, but says, “I wish him well!”
“The Coin that I earned, in 2017, is a coin that Super Fans receive after they are inducted at the Hall Of Fame, into the PFUFA.
“I was able to thank, Jameis, in person at the TOBA, MLK Breakfast, and thank him, and let him know, that I was the 1st and only Black, recognized to represent the Tampa Bay Bucca- neers, every year in Canton, Ohio.
“I thank God for this photo, and love encouraging young positive role models, so that they can keep up the good work, on and off the football field.
“I have to say thank you to Jameis Winston, and I wish him well, because our relationship is much deeper than football. This photo that I cherish, was strategically taken, with the backdrop of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the TOBA Breakfast honoring a leader, who no doubt, im- pacted both of our lives, in the Tampa Bay Area — he on the field, as a Bucs Player, and mine as a Bucs Super Fan. We can never
Super Fan, Albert “Bucified Bert” Owens, with Jameis Win- ston at a TOBA Breakfast.
stop, trying to help the next generation, because the struggle is real. And, it’s very necessary to keep it going, what started before, we earned our platforms.”
“So I have to thank Jameis, for using his NFL and God-given platform, to9 enrich lives in the community, I love and grew up in.
“So he will always be in my heart. Thank you for the com- munity work, I will cheer for him always, in life, and on the opposing team, that he will sign up with, except, for when his new team, plays against the Tampa Bay Bucs.
He will do well, wherever he
Thank you, Albert Bucified Owens