Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 3-20-20
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Important Updates On Services Due To COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Closures due to the continuing health and safety concerns surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19), the library will be closed until further notice. • Book drops remain open. We are working to ensure that the library is contributing to the safety and well- being of the community.
Call with your library with questions - 813-273-3652. You can also follow on Facebook for the latest library information - @TampaHillsLib.
Visit The Library From Home
The library is always open from the comfort of your home to download a book, read a magazine, enjoy storytime, take an online class, stream movies, videos and music.
March Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers cele- brating this month: Glenn Ellenwood, 3/19; Jean- nette Bradley and Alice Temple, 3/20; Darlean Prince, 3/22; Dorothy West, 3/23; Erma Philon, 3/25; Mable Hall, 3/26; and Wanda DeBose, 3/28.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp, Jr., Clennie McCray, Elouise Griffin, Thelma Singleton, Catherine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tolbert, Lillian Tolbert, Henri- etta Sanders, and Shirley Griffin.
‘A Tribute To Progress Village’ By James E. Tokley, Sr.
They put them in palmet- tos where a rabbit would not go – With the razorbacks and rattlesnakes – to see if
they would grow. As if that wasn’t bad enough, out on that country mile, they said, “We’re going to give you your very own gypsum pile! Then they placed them in the middle of a teeming wilder- ness they named it Progress Village – as a challenge, more or less... As a challenge that the Pilgrims took when they stepped on Plymouth Rock. The challenge that Boll Weevil had when they put’im on a cold ice block. It was the challenge they gave Brer Rabbit when they threw him in the briars & the challenge to three Hebrews in Neb- uchadnezzar’s fire.
In the thickets with the crickets where not even weeds would grow. Like the followers of Moses, after Pharaoh let them go & so they settled in this village like a rabbit in his wedge & they vowed to make it Progress, living on the cut- ting edge with a sharp new generation that is not afraid to say that Progress City shall stand tomorrow where a village stands today, built and cared for by a people whom the world said never could – Build a city, or a na- tion that would ever turn out good.
So, here’s to Progress Vil- lage, every daughter & every son: May God keep you in the winning ‘till your destiny is Won!
ship information. Scholar- rd
Progress Village Foundation
` Check out the Progress Vil-
lage Foundation website and
Facebook page for Scholar-
ship deadline May 3 : www.progressvillagefounda-
Progress Village Civic Council News
Thank you to the resi- dents that have sent in their yearly donation of $25 to help support the Civic Coun- cil. It is not too late to send your support. Checks/Money Orders made payable to Progress Village Civic Coun- cil, Inc., may be mailed to 7933 Flower Ave. Tampa, FL 33619.
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741- 3604.