Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 3-20-20
P. 8
Sheriff Releases 164 Inmates To Prevent Spread Of Coronavirus
At the order of Hillsbor- ough County Sheriff Chad Chronister, an emergency measure is being taken to pre- vent the spread of the Coron- avirus in Hillsborough County Jails. Effective Wednesday, March 18, low-level, non-vio- lent offenders in the Orient Road Jail and the Falkenburg Road Jail are being released from custody.
Sheriff Chronister said, “As your Sheriff, there is noth- ing I take more seriously than public safety and protecting our community. In times of crisis, like the health crisis we are facing, agencies around the country are finding ways to balance public safety and the health of their employees and neighbors. We are no dif- ferent.”
With the support of Chief
Judge Ronald Ficarrotta,
a total of 164 inmates have been approved for release.
Sheriff Chronster fur- ther said, "These defendants are the lowest public safety risk and many were merely sitting in jail because they could not afford to pay the amount it would take to bond out.
“These defendants will still have to answer for the crimi- nal charges against them.”
By decreasing the size of the inmate population, the goal is to reduce the risk of ex- posure to the Coronavirus to inmates, detention deputies, civilian staff members, their families and ultimately the en- tire community.
Violent offenders who pose a high risk to the com- munity will remain in jail while they await their due process in criminal court. Any released inmate who reof- fends will be rebooked into the jails. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office has routinely taken this emer- gency action in times of crisis. Most recently, in 2017 during Hurricane Irma, low-level, non-violent offenders were re- leased from custody.
“During this health crisis, we must focus our law en- forcement resources on our highest priorities. Public safety and the health of our team are at the top of that list.
“It is my hope that these
individuals will make the most of this opportunity to be with their loved ones during this time of uncertainty,” Sheriff Chronister said.
As of Thursday, March 19, there are currently no con- firmed cases of COVID-19 in Hillsborough County Jails.
Sheriff Chronister Orders Suspension Of Eviction Proceedings
Due to the ongoing threat of COVID-19, or the coron- avirus, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office will suspend the execution of any eviction proceedings until April 20, 2020.
"I cannot in good faith evict families from their homes because they are un- able to work to pay their rent or mortgage during this na- tional time of crisis," said Sheriff Chad Chronis- ter. "Removing people from the security of their homes during this vulnerable time would be a contradiction to our mission at the Hillsbor- ough County Sheriff's Office: to protect and serve."
HCSO will continue to ac- cept writs of possession. Prop- erty owners and landlords may still file for evictions with the courts, but HCSO will not execute any eviction orders during the suspension period. The $90 fee paid to HCSO to serve an eviction notice re- mains non-refundable.
"I am fully aware that the decision to temporarily sus- pend evictions will also have an economic impact on prop- erty owners and landlords," said Sheriff Chronister. "I ask for your understanding and spirit of cooperation as we all work through this national emer- gency together.”
A State of Emergency has been enacted at the federal, state and local levels. This sus- pension will allow HCSO to utilize law enforcement re- sources in a manner most beneficial to the safety and welfare of our entire commu- nity. An average of 733 evic- tions are served every month in Hillsborough County, and currently, there are more than 260 evictions that are open and waiting to be executed.
Mayor Addresses Business Community About COVID-19
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
In recent weeks, the most talked about issue is COVID- 19 or the Coronavirus. A state of emergency has been is- sued on the federal, state, and local levels.
In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, officials have taken measures to close several businesses. These closings have resulted in nu- merous people being sent home and not allowed to re- port to work.
Earlier this week, Mayor Jane Castor sent a letter to local business owners. In the letter, Mayor Castor said, “I realized that many of our residents are feeling stressed, anxious, and concerned about Coronavirus (COVID- 19). However, we must re- main calm, keep a steady hand, and follow the guide- lines of the Centers for Dis- ease Control and Prevention.
“We know that this is a challenging time for many of our local business owners and staff, and together we will do everything that we can to limit the impact of
COVID-19 and offer relief. “For this reason, I have assembled an economic re- covery task force focused on next steps to ensure a smooth recovery process via federal, state, and local fund-
ing initiatives.
“Governor Ron DeSantis
announced the launch of a $50 million emergency dis- aster bridge loan with a turn- around time of up to two weeks after loan approval.
“Small businesses are the economic backbone of our community. We are doing everything possible to allevi- ate the burden of COVID-19, while prioritizing public health.
“I encourage Tampa’s businesses to apply as soon as possible, as these funds are limited. To apply, go to ronavirus.
“Also text TAMPABIZ to 888-777 to receive up to date messages as more informa- tion regarding economic re- lief becomes available and follow our website at 19,” she said.
Coronavirus Cancellations, Rescheduling
FAMU Gala To Be Rescheduled
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the FAMU Alumni Tampa Chapter Scholarship Gala, scheduled for April 4, 2020, has been postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date.
More information will be forthcoming as the date is se- cured.
STELL, Inc. Postpones First Annual Health Fair
On behalf of STELL, Inc., (Surviving Through Every- day Life with Lupus) it is un- fortunate that its 1st Annual Health Fair is postponed due to the Coronavirus (COVID- 19). Once this COVID-19 blows over, STELL, Inc. will reschedule its 1st Annual Health Fair.
The Health Fair was planned for Saturday, April 4th, at Concorde Career Insti- tute.