Page 14 - Florida Sentinel 11-15-19
P. 14
Men Of Vision, Inc., Hosts First Academic Awards Ceremony
Ross Anderson, founder of Men of Vision, Inc., (far left, seated) is shown with the nearly 40 members of the organization who achieved academic excellence in the first grading period of the new school year. (Photography by BRUNSON PHOTOGRAPHY)
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Recently, Hillsborough County students received their report cards for the first nine weeks grading period. And Ross Anderson, founder of Men of Vision, Inc., is proud of students en- rolled in the service organi- zation.
Anderson said, “I’m proud to announce that Men of Vision, Inc., held its first Academic Awards Ceremony recently. We recognized 38 members whose grades earned them Principal Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, or Honor Roll status. We also had 15 young men and women honored for their community service.”
Currently, there are 175 students who are part of the organization. Men of Vision, Inc., has an enrollment of 140 young men. Its sister or- ganization, Women of Vi- sion, Inc., has an enrollment of 35 young ladies.
The members are located on the campuses of public, private, and charter schools in Hillsborough County.
Ronald Marshall, of Middleton High School earned the highest grade point average during the first nine-week period with a 5.84 GPA.
Principal’s Honor Roll
The young men and women earned Principal’s Honor Roll are: Jessuan Hodges and Ronald Mar- shall, both of Middleton High School; Jordan Shel- ton, Tampa Bay Technical High School, Isiah John- son, III, Brooks DeBartelo HighCollegiate High School; Joveli Burgos, Hillsbor- ough High School; and Mia Escobedo, Plant High School.
High Honor Roll
Twenty-seven young men and women earned High Honor Roll status. Repre- senting Middleton High School are: Adam An- drews, John Johnson, Roshard Jackson, and Jshua McDonald.
Zion Wright and Angel Mendoza attend Hillsbor- ough High School.
Jackson Hopkins - East Bay High School.
Students attending Spoto High School who made High Honor Roll include: An- thony Walker, Taishawn Hampton, Adam Moore, and Andrew Walker.
Eric Littlejohn and
Damari Ferrell are High Honor Roll students attend- ing Jefferson High School.
Kory Conner attends Wharton High School.
Tampa Bay Technical High School is represented by: Danute Harris, Bran- don Bethune, Quincy Fran- cois, Aheim King, Reshea Thomas, and Caliel Cajuste.
Daildelys Mena, Lisa- nia Soto-Meja, Margaret Sarpon, Iris Vargas-Ro- driguez, Gabriella Var- gas, and Jennifer Morales are Hillsborough High School honor students. Darnell Nziga is an honor student representing Stein- brenner High School.
Honor Roll
Five young men and young women who are mem- bers of the organization earned Honor Roll status. They are: Jadarius Kitchen, Armwood High School; Kyler Browning, East Bay High School; Jen- nifer Garcia-Morales, Hillsborough High School; and James Colston and Avirel Harris, of Middle- ton High School.
Chapters of the Men of Vision, Inc., and Women of Vision, Inc., are currently on the campuses of several schools, ranging from ele- mentary to high school, in Hillsborough County.