Page 24 - Florida Sentinel 7-24-20
P. 24

 Soap Opera Spoilers
  General Hospital: Original air date May 6, 2020: Sonny is des- perate. Nelle asks Nina for a favor. Brook Lynn manages to get herself in trouble again.
Original air date May 7, 2020: Michael takes Sasha to General Hos- pital. Michael prepares for court. Willow contemplates her future.
  Original air date May 11, 2020: Brook Lynn reaches out to Dustin. Finn is rejected. Chase is contemplative. Julian is responsive.
The Bold & The Beautiful: Katie fills in Carter on how Quinn sabotaged Brooke and Ridge’s reunion party.
Wyatt walks into the beach house and is dismayed by what he sees. Meanwhile, Bill tells Katie he will accept any consequence from his ac- tions, except losing Katie and their family.
Dr. Escobar and Flo are shocked by Sally’s pregnancy plan and plead with her not to proceed.
The Young & The Restless: In Young and Restless’ first two 30- minute episodes, First, the mysterious Brad Elliot arrives in Genoa City, followed by the introduction of the legendary Brooks and Foster families. Originally aired on March 26 and 27, 1973.
Katherine sees the results of her facelift, and Cricket begins her modeling career at Jabot. Originally aired on March 28, 1984.
Newlyweds Neil and Dru celebrate with family and friends, while Michael plots his revenge. Originally aired on March 12, 1993.
Days Of Our Lives: Gabi delivers tragic news to Jake. An unex- pected funeral stirs up mixed emotions. A medical crisis threatens to derail Ciara and Ben’s wedding.
Hope and Allie help Ciara get ready for the wedding. Ben gets a sur- prising phone call. Claire swears to Belle and Shawn that she’s inno- cent.
Rafe walks Ciara down the aisle. Jake invites Gabi to the wedding as his date. Belle realizes Claire lied to her.
Answers on page 12-B
  It’s Puzzle Time
      Cancer (June 21-July 22): Keep an eye on your money because something to do with your finances and your possessions is unstable. You might find money or you might lose money. Something you own might be lost, stolen or damaged. On the upside, you might dream up on a new way of earning money? It's a crapshoot.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): You might feel restless and even a bit re- bellious. This could show to others, which is why you might be at cross purposes with a boss, parent, teacher or someone in the police. Don't be lippy. This is a kind of day where you have to go along to get along. However, someone might have an eye surprise for you?
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): No doubt you feel a bit restless today. It's almost as if there's more electricity in the air or something like that. Unexpected news from the media or something to do with someone from another culture or a different country might occur. However, this is also a creative day!
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): A friend or a member of a group might surprise you or do something that catches you off guard today. Or per- haps you will meet someone new today who is a real character? This is because your interactions with others is kinda up for grabs.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You feel independent even rebellious today. You don't want to be told what to do or bossed around. This could be why you might be at odds with a parent, boss or someone in a position of authority if something suddenly happens. (Never under- estimate the power of courtesy.).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Travel plans will change today. You might suddenly have to go somewhere when you did not expect to do so. Or perhaps, if you are travelling, you will encounter cancella- tions, delays or changes. The media might also have surprising news. (It's not a boring day.).
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Double check details regarding banking, shared property, inheritances and anything that you own jointly with someone else because something unexpected could impact these areas in your life. (Better to be on top of things and be proac- tive.).
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Be careful about jumping to con- clusions today. Everyone feels independent and rebellious. Likewise, people are impatient with restraints today. In part, this is because some are craving excitement, which makes them want to stir the pot a little. (Yikes!) Easy does it.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Disruptions to your job are likely, which could be related to broken down machinery, computer glitches, power problems, and perhaps rebellious coworkers? Keep smiling and do your best to be cooperative with everyone.
Aries (March 21-April 19): Caution: This is an accident-prone day for your kids. However, this is also a creative day that that will help you to think outside the box and dream up original, new ideas or boost any project that interests you. A sudden change to social plans is likely. A cancellation or an invitation?
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Something unexpected will impact your home or a family member today. Minor breakages could occur or a small appliance might break down. Surprise company might knock at your door. Be patient with family members (especially females) to avoid arguments.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): Be careful because this is an acci- dent-prone day because something unexpected could impact your daily routine. New faces, new places and surprises are likely. Caution against a verbal clash with someone. Cool your jets.

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