Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 12-27-19
P. 4

   State Attorney Restores Voting Rights To Convicted Felons
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Last week, Andrew Warren, Hillsborough County State Attorney intro- duced a plan to help with rights restoration. The plans helps convicted felons pay their fees in order to vote.
In November 2018, Amendment 4 passed allow- ing convicted felons to have their rights restored with some exceptions such as con- victions for murder or sexual battery. However, legislators passed a bill requiring con- victed felons to have paid all court ordered fees before their rights could be restored.
State Attorney Warren said, “The idea that Amend- ment 4 would be available only to people who can afford it is unfair, it’s un-American, and it’s unacceptable. We're working with the Hillsbor- ough County Public De- fender, Clerk of Courts, Florida Rights Restoration
ANDREW WARREN Hillsborough County State Attorney
Coalition, and Administra- tive Office of the Courts to fulfill the will of Florida vot- ers.”
State Attorney Warren further said, “Once a person has completed the applica- tion process to have his vot- ing rights restored, the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition will work with you to gather the necessary infor- mation to determine your el-
igibility. If your application demonstrates that you are unable to pay the financial terms of your sentence, the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition will forward your information to Hillsbor- ough’s Office of the Public Defender. The Public De- fender will review the infor- mation with you and prepare an appropriate motion for the Court to review.
“The Court will then de- termine if your sentence is el- igible for modification for purposes of restoring your voting rights. If the Court ap- proves, then a copy of the Court’s Order will be pro- vided to Hillsborough’s Su- pervisor of Elections, and you will be able register to vote.”
     City Of Tampa Parks And Recreation Department Community Centers Extends Stay & Play Hours For Holidays
Select recreation centers around the City of Tampa will hold extended Stay & Play hours for the holidays until January 4th, 2020 (excluding January 1st, 2020). Extended hours will be 6 p. m. – 10 p. m. The Stay & Play Program aims to provide kids and teens with a place to be active, safe, and healthy.
The locations participating in extended Stay & Play hours are:
· Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center
nity Center
Copeland Community Cen- Springhill Community Cen- Jackson Heights Commu-
All Recreation Centers will be closed on Wednes- day, January 1st.
Governor Appoints Five To Fill Judicial Openings
 Earlier this week, Gover- nor Ron DeSantis appointed five individuals to fill judicial vacancies. Two of those ap- pointments are in Hillsbor- ough County.
Governor DeSantis named Attorney James Moody, III, to fill the vacancy created by the elevation of Judge Alissa Ellison to the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit.
Moody, of Tampa, is an at- torney at Jayson, Farthing, Skafidas & Wright, P. A. He earned his Bachelor’s and Law Degrees from the University of Florida.
Michael Bagge-Hernan- dez, of Tampa, is an Assistant U. S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Florida State University and his law degree from Stetson University, College of Law. Bagge-Hernandez was ap- pointed to fill the vacancy cre- ated by the elevation of Judge Jared Smith to the Thir- teenth Judicial Circuit.
Governor DeSantis also appointed Shannon McFee to the Twenty Judicial Circuit. He previously served as an As- sistant State Attorney. He fills
the vacancy created by the re- tirement of Judge Christine Greider.
Attorney McFee, of Naples, has served as a Crimi- nal Defense Attorney since 1994. He received his Bache- lor’s Degree from the Univer- sity of South Florida and his law degree from Florida State University, College of Law.
Governor DeSantis also made two appointments to the Palm Beach County Court.
Sara Shullman, of Wellington, is a Bureau Chief in the Attorney General’s Of- fice. She was appointed to fill the vacancy of Judge Caro- line Shepherd, who was ele- vated to the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit. She received her Bach- elor’s Degree from the Univer- sity of Florida and her law degree from Georgetown Uni- versity Law Center.
Melanie Suber, of Delray Beach, is an Assistant Attorney General in Palm Beach County. She fills a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Sheree Cunningham. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Boston University and her law degree from Nova Southeastern University.

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