Page 16 - Florida Sentinel 12-6-19
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Dec 14 – 5:00 pm – 9 pm “Toy Land” Christmas Dance For Active Adults age 50+ Door Prizes, DJ Dance Music Call Tammy Brunson at the center (813) 671-7773 to RSVP.
Health Care Open Enroll- ment Deadline Dec. 15th
Free Advice and Help - on- line at www.Cover- or call 877-813-9115.
Aritha Scott Senior Holiday Celebration
When: Sunday, December 8, 2019 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Where: Progress Village Sen- ior Center - 8701 Progress Blvd. Who: Seniors of the Progress Village community, age 60 and older are invited to attend our annual Aritha Scott Holiday Celebration. Questions please contact Layvonne Culbreath at (813) 841-6775.
Progress Village Civic Council News
The next meeting will be held Monday, January 6th, 2019 at 6:30 pm, Emanuel P. Johnson Community Center, 5855 S. 78th St.
Call your news for Progress Village and surrounding areas to Linda Washing- ton, (813) 741-3604.
Learn & Play Tampa Bay
Friday, December 06, 2019 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Thonoto- sassa, Community Room.
The Glazer Children’s Mu- seum invites children under 5 and their caregivers to practice the skills they need before en- tering Kindergarten! Come play in our interactive, mobile- museum environment TWICE a week FREE for 90 Minutes throughout local sites in Hills- borough County!
Themed curriculums in- clude independent play, group activities, bilingual songs and material, and circle time for children and their adults to ex- perience and enjoy school ac- tivities together! Registration is required.
For children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. To register call 813-273-3652 or go to website
Locating Native & African-American Ancestors
Saturday, December 07, 2019 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Robert W. Saunders, Sr. - Ada T. Payne Community Room A.
For many families, the 1870 census is the oldest, easily at- tainable genealogy documenta- tion. Before the Civil War and Emancipation, it can be far more difficult to find records. Genealogist, Gigi Best- Richardson, will offer her ex- pertise and guidance to surmount this obstacle.
Table for Two: Fast and Frugal
Tuesday, December 10, 2019 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Seffner- Mango, Community Room.
Learn how to cook for two in
a way that is fast, frugal, and tasty.
Get ready to learn a load of kitchen tips and cooking hints from Chef Warren Caterson.
Movies @ the Library: Saturday At The Movies:
Aladdin Saturday, Decem- ber 07, 2019 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 78th Street, Community Room. A street rat pursues the princess of Agrabah with the help of a powerful genie who can grant him three wishes. His primary opponent is a malevolent sorcerer who serves as the city's grand vizier and the chief advisor to the Sultan. Rated PG. Stay after the film for a chance to win the dvd!
Movies @ the Library: Men in Black: International
Friday, December 13, 2019 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM John F. Germany, Auditorium. The Men in Black have always pro- tected the Earth from the scum of the universe. In this new ad- venture, they tackle their biggest, most global threat to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization. PG-13. Run Time: 115 minutes.
Saturday At The Movies: The Upside
Saturday, December 21, 2019 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM 78th Street, Community Room. A paralyzed billionaire forms an unlikely friendship with his ex- convict caretaker. Rated PG- 13.
Stay after the film for a chance to win the dvd! For more classes and events at a li- brary near you call 813-273- 3652 or go to website
December Birthdays
December Birthday Cele- brants Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers celebrating this month. Josephine Royal, 12/7; Mamie Pittman and Betty Dixon, 12/8; Wallace Bowers, 12/9; Pamela Colleton, and Brittany DeBose, 12/15; Marjorie Lynn Roberts Bowden and Phillip Guest, 12/18; Devin Ray 12/19, Lois Bowers, Tiffaney Brown and Caitlin Jackson 12/21; Darla Colleton, Darlene Colleton, and Lauretta Underwood Johnson 12/22; Charles Webb, 12/23; Jerome Richmond and Juanita Banks, 12/24; Jill Lamb, 12/28, and Ruby Smith Dunn, 12/31.
Sick and Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp, Jr., Harold Williams, Clennie Mc- Cray, Elouise Griffin,
Thelma Singleton, Catherine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tolbert, Lillian Tolbert, Henrietta Sanders, and Tommy Bell.
Progress Village Seventh Day Adventist Church Financial Literacy Workshop
Special guest – Ryan Mack (CNN, MSNBC & Dare 2 Dream) December 6th – 6:30 pm December 7th – 4:00 pm, 7909 Flower Ave.
For more info call (813) 677-3491.
Community Cookout PV4Life
Saturday, 12/28 Old Park – 12 pm for your official Progress Village Annual Cookout 2019 T-Shirts please contact Pam Colleton 240- 543-3753, or Rosalind Walker 813-476- 8547. Orders may also be emailed to:
Last day to order is 12/15. Cash App $KambraMc- Daniel.
Progress Village Senior