Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 12-6-19
P. 18
Clemmie C. Perry Wins The Centre Club 2020 Helping Hand Contest For James Elementary
Clemmie C. Perry
wins the Centre Club 2020 Helping Hand con- test with her pitch to im- plement a youth golf mentoring program ben- efiting young girls at- tending James Elementary School.
Perry is the daughter of Doris Reddick, Re- tired School Board Mem- ber and Executive Director of Women of Color Golf (WOCG) lo- cated in Tampa.
The program, named
Girls on the Green Tee,
benefits students who at- tend James Elementary, a local achievement school named after Perry’s grandmother, Clemmie Ross James.
WOCG is one of the top 10 non-profit organi- zations chosen to be the recipients for The Centre
Club’s 2020 Helping Hands Happy Hour fundraiser on April 28, 2020. This fundraising event will help raise funds for the implemen- tation of this exciting program scheduled to start Spring 2020 at James Elementary. The participating students will learn the fundamen- tals of the sport of golf, etiquette, the impor- tance of S.T.E.M. and how it is implemented in this sport, along with mentorship from golf professionals, corpo- rate women executives and business owners.
WOCG/Girls on the Green Tee strives to em- power young Black and Latino girls to break down barriers in this prestigious sport by building confidence and self-esteem.
Females on the Stairwell, left: Clemmie Perry (Executive Director of WOCG), Lynn Morgan (WOCG), Cindy Lacrosse (Professional Golfer), Kimberly James (James Elementary Liaison), Tahisia Scantling (Realtor/Crossroad Business Consultant), Sky U. White (Candidate for County Commission-District 3), Tia Young (Tia Young Image & Etiquette), Geral Leath (Realtor), and Ann Madsen (Executive Director, Center for Women).
Males on the Stairwell, right: Pastor Tom Jones (Heaven Destiny Church of God/Community United), Drew Ware (Business Development Consultant), Ian Peterson (President, Dialed in Golf Solutions), and Pastor Randy Randolph (Abundant Life Enrichment Church/Community United).