Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 11-5-21
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Public Review Of Redistricting Maps Needed:
Black Representation On County Commission Board Could Be At Stake
BY MONIQUE STAMPS Sentinel Staff Writer
Every ten years, the U. S. government conducts a cen- sus conducted by the Census Bureau. The objective is re- assessing the allocation of representatives to Congress based on population.
The census determines how millions of dollars in federal funding, including grants and support to states, counties and communities are dispersed.
The Census also helps state and local governments determine voter districts.
The Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) is required by law to redraw its districts.
The process must be com- pleted by December 31, 2021. The redistricting will af- fect approximately 900,000 registered voters across the four single member districts. Chief Administrator of Government Relations & Strategic Services for Hills- borough County, Brandon Wagner, states that public input is crucial. His staff
began soliciting opinions from the community to form prospective maps. Four prospective maps were gen- erated and presented to the BOCC (Board of County Commissioners) on Septem- ber 8, 2021.
Wagner says that his team had several mandates and tried to respect natural boundaries and neighbor- hoods. The biggest mandates were to come as close to one person, one vote as possible, and to ensure that Black and minority communities were represented, especially in District 3.
The BOCC meeting on September 8th was spirited, with allegations of political expediency and neglect of Black constituents. At the meeting, District 3 County Commissioner Gwen Myers presented her own map.
Commissioner Ken Hagan stated that the county maps for the four sin- gle-member districts were “dismissive of the Black com- munity” because of the split- ting of Progress Village from
District 3.
The County Commission
Board ultimately rejected all of the maps presented to them by the county adminis- tration.
On September 29, 2021, several Board members sub- mitted maps for considera- tion. Three commissioners, Gwen Myers, Harry Cohen and Pat Kemp sub- mitted maps that were to move on to the final public hearings in November.
One of the main points of difference is where Temple Terrace will be slotted. The independent city within Hillsborough County has ap-
proximately 17,000 voters. Currently, the city is in Dis- trict 2 and currently repre- sented by Commissioner Ken Hagan. Commis- sioner Myers’ proposal moves all of Temple Terrace into District 3. The maps from Kemp and Cohen keep the city in District 2.
Myers remains con- cerned about board mem- bers for what she said were attempts to address concerns of the Black community only at times of elections or redis- tricting.
“I want people who look like me to decide their own fate. People who do not look like me are consistently try- ing to tell the Black commu- nity what we need. They forget about the African- American community,” Myers said.
“We don’t want to see di- lution of the Temple Terrace or University areas. Eventu- ally, District 3 will be elimi- nated unless we act. The erosion of District 3 cannot go forward. That is not going to continue in the African- American community,” Myers stated.
To make matters more complicated, no mention of the Hispanic community was made at either meeting.
Some members of that com- munity are concerned that their voice has been neg- lected during the process.
Hillsborough County residents will have two additional opportunities for public comment on the map proposals on November 8, 2021, and November 16, 2021. The meetings will be at 6 p.m. at the County Cen- ter.
There are several condi- tions on attendance and making public comments. Please visit https://www.hillsborough- ment/meeting-information/ speak-at-a-virtual- meeting/speak-at-a-bocc-re- districting-meeting to read the rules and fill out the com- ment signup form to be rec- ognized. Citizens may also submit questions using the link.