Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 8-30-19
P. 10

  Contact And Sign Up To Attend The 2020 Reunion Of The Old N. B. Young Junior High School (1964-1971)
From its opening in Janu- ary 1964, until June of 1971, N. B. Young Junior High was the beloved education and social hub for hundreds of Belmont Heights and Jackson Heights youngsters. Affectionately known as the home of the Mighty Buffaloes, Young’s gal- vanizing early years were brought to an end when, in June 1971, after the Hillsbor- ough County School District
desegregated the school sys- tem.
While many of the alumni from those early years have maintained the friendships forged back in the day, others haven’t seen their old class- mates since leaving.
Which is why a 2020 reu- nion is being planned.
So, if you were a member of the faculty or staff, or were a 7th, 8th or 9th grade student at
Young Jr. High from 1964 through June of 1971, please save these dates: October 9 - 10, 2020.
More information will be forthcoming, however, it is necessary to begin ongoing communication in order to generate an accurate count of expected attendees and to cal- culate the per person costs for reunion events.
There are ways to get connected:
Facebook users should join the "N.B. Young Jr. High THE ORIGINAL HERD" Facebook group.
Those who are more comfortable with email should send their email address to bonnyehall-
In addition to your email address, please provide your name (maiden-current, for women) and your grades/years of attendance at Young Jr. High.
The deadline for connect- ing by ONE of the above meth- ods is Saturday, September 14, 2019.
Also, mark your calendars and save the date for our up- coming “Original Herd” Alumni Reunion -- October 9 - 10, 2020.
Let’s do this, Buffaloes!
Workshop On Tampa’s Water Program
Is Thursday
    Tampa City Councilman Orlando Gudes invites the community to join him and other Council members on Thursday for a workshop on the “entire water program,” he said.
The workshop is to dis- cuss the Tampa Augmenta- tion Project – Implementation Program, the potential future sources of water to ensure a safe, reli- able and affordable supply of water for the City of Tampa. The staff will also attend the workshop to provide a de- tailed justification regarding why the City will need more water; and to present four op- tions and to consider alterna- tives.
Councilman Gudes
said members of the Tampa community need to attend so
that they can get first-hand information on the water project.
The meeting is being held Thursday, August 29, 2019, 5 p. m. in City Council Cham- bers, 315 E. Kennedy Blvd.

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