Page 31 - Florida Sentinel 1-15-21
P. 31

Tampa’s St. John Progressive M. B. Church Was Site Where 590 Residents Received COVID Vaccine
Mayor Jane Castor, with one of St. John’s oldest members, Mrs. Queen Miller.
City employees Janelle McGregor, Manager, and Acting Fire Chief, Barbara Tripp.
  TOBA Breakfast Speaker
  Renowned minister, pastor, speaker, and writer, Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, III, will be the featured speaker for the 41st Annual TOBA Leadership Breakfast.
 The all-virtual event will be held on Monday, January 18, 2021, 6:45 a. m.
A native of Cleveland, OH, and graduate of Morehore College, Rev. Dr. Moss, III, is the Senior Pastor of Trin-
ity United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL.
He and his wife, Monica, are parents to two children.
Tickets for the online Breakfast are $35 per person. Purchase your tickets online at: WWW.TOBANET- WORK.ORG. (Once you purchase your ticket(s), you will receive a confirmation and a link to access and join the event). See advertisement below.
       BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
On Sunday morning, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis an- nounced that 7 predominantly African American churches, in- cluding one in Tampa, would be giving the vaccine for the Coron- avirus to seniors 65 years old and older.
St. John Progressive M. B. Church, 2504 Chipco, was one of those churches. Rev. Dr. Bartholomew Banks is Pas- tor. The other cities where the vaccine rollout was held are: Lynn Haven, Tallahassee, Holly- wood, Fort Lauderdale, Port St. Lucie and Jacksonville.
Mayor Jane Castor and several elected officials joined Pastor Banks.
According to reports, 500 doses of the vaccine were dis- tributed Sunday, January 10, 2021 at St. John. Since African Americans, especially elderly adults, are more likely to contact and/or die from COVID-19, Governor DeSantis said the priority was to provide the vac- cine to those 65 and older. How St. John Was Selected
Rev. Banks, Vice-President At Large, National Baptist Con- vention of America, Inc., worked with several teams to insure that the event went along smoothly.
“I was at the church last Monday night trying to get on line to get an appointment for me and my wife. One of the members was there helping. As we were putting in the data for Lady Banks, the information
went from the screen – that ap- pointment was gone.”
Although dismayed, Pastor Banks said he did not give up.
“I went out and sat on one of the pews and started to pray. JustasIdid,Igotacallfromthe Mayor, asking if our church could be used as a pilot for the vaccinations. I immediately said, ‘yes.’ She said I’d be con- tacted by the State’s Emergency Management Team. I prayed and hoped that they would se- lect our church.” They did.
The team of healthcare pro- fessionals in his church, other healthcare providers, the Na- tional Baptist Convention Healthcare Chairman, a Tampa resident, Cosette Whitmore, all worked together to coordi- nate the event.
Pastor Banks said he then sent an email blast to numerous pastors and churches in the area and they responded.
“I’m glad that the governor saw the need to put forth an ef- fort to serve the under repre- sented community, and designated houses of worship,” he said.
He expressed gratitude to the Mayor, Tampa Police Dept., Health Dept., Fire Dept., staff from the church and the com- munity.
Those who received the vac- cination on January 10th, will return on January 31st for the Pfizer vaccine.
(Photographs by Julia Jackson and BRUNSON Photography)

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