Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 1-15-21
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  What Went Wrong?
Chaos At The Capitol Stunned Residents
 BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
What happened in the U. S. Capitol on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, was unbelievable. Even to those who watched it in real time via TV or other electronics, the event was dispicable. Nothing like this is supposed to happen in the United States of America, let alone at the Capitol in Washington, D. C.
The conversation since Wednesday around 1 p. m. has been about what happened, how it happened and what went wrong at the Capitol.
lose the election. He did. For months, Trump fed conspiracy theories, spread malicious lies, and egged on white supremacist groups to undermine confidence in our free and fair election.
“The FBI, Justice Depart- ment and law enforcement are swiftly arresting the domestic ter- rorists who viciously stampeded the Capitol with their traitorous confederate flags and anti-Semitic paraphernalia. Trump, the per- son most responsible for the sedi- tious attack, must be held accountable as well. Unfortu- nately, Trump will always put his personal interest over the interest of America. He will not be satisfied and he will continue with his un- lawful, unhinged conduct.
“I have co-sponsored articles of impeachment as well as a reso- lution calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. The best course is for Trump to resign immediately or an invocation of the 25th Amendment, but neither is likely, so Congress must act and repudi- ate Trump in the strongest of terms.”
“What happened on Capitol Hill this week was an attack on our Democracy — fueled by false claims and conspiracies and in- cited by a president. What our country needs now is to heal from this era of demonizing politics and this moment of reckoning, so that we can work together as Ameri- cans to forge a better future for all,” she said.
“I was shocked at both the ac- tual occupation of the Capitol as well as the response. Does anyone think a group of Black folks could have made it past those barricades and into Senator Mitch Mc- Connell’s office? No! In addi- tion, there were dozens of officers present during the #BLM protests at the Capitol...why wasn’t there a similar police presence?
“Last Wednesday was definitely one of our lowest days of 2021. What it unequivocally showed the world was how different groups are treated differently, when the only difference is race. The civil unrest that followed the untimely death of George Floyd was met with military-styled force, whereas the events on last Wednesday were almost welcomed, accepted and certainly not met with any threat of violence. It showed the world that this country is divided.
“In Tampa, we are working hard to be proactive in preventing any possible situations such as this. The City of Tampa has ac- knowledged the plight and contri- butions of the Black community this past year. The city has also put together several groups and task forces to be certain that we are ad- dressing the needs of each partic- ular community. I have pushed for better implicit bias training with the Tampa Police Department, and have expanded the capabili- ties of the Citizen’s Review Board. My office is always open to any ideas or solutions for making a more inclusive Tampa.”
THOMAS SCOTT ...Former elected official and pastor
“What we witnessed on national television around 1:26 p. m., was horrific and horrendous as white extremists and white supremist groups battered through the doors and stormed the Capitol I an at- tempt to stop the U. S. Congress from certifying the Electoral Col- lege vote o declaring President- Elect Joe Biden as President. I could not believe what I was see- ing and watching on national tele- vision.
“The first question I raised, where were the police, National Guard and other law enforcement agencies. I could only surmise there was a lack of planning and preparation on the part of law en- forcement agencies at the Capitol.
“However, what I also saw was a DOUBLE STANDARD in re- gards to African American protest- ing and White Americans and white extremists desecrated the halls of Congress. The ugliness and violence of the Capitol riot last week really highlighted the DOU- BLE STANDARD toward African Americans.
“Please understand, I don’t wish death or violence upon no one. But yet Democracy was under attack and there appear to be no defense of the most powerful leg- islative body on the planet and yet the authorities did nothing.
“Compare the scene on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 with what happened over the summer, in the wake of killings of Black people by police. Black protesters from Miami to Minneapolis were met with weapons drawn and tear gas deployed for the sins of block- ing streets, breaking curfew and gathering without proper permits. We saw the same thing after the killing of George Floyd and Bre- onna Taylor last year.
“Violent white mobs have long been granted a special, almost sov- ereign space in American politics. Had the armed rioters in Wash- ington been Black there might've been a massacre.”
“Wednesday, January 6, was a sad and disgraceful day for Amer- ica when the sitting president at- tacked his own country with a planned riot because he lost the election.
“A law enforcement officer lost his life while protecting the Capitol and a few innocent people were hurt. We are thankful for all those persons who escaped un- harmed. Now we all know that we have had enough of #45.....Don- ald J. Trump, but at the same time unsure of what he will do next in his last days in office, if not removed. I can't wait for peace in America and for the new adminis- tration President-Elect, Joe Biden and Vice President- Elect, Kamala Harris to come in office and restore hope and op- portunities for this country. The last four years, we have witnessed unprecedented times during Trump's term in office.
“I believe there was a lack of planning for the 30,000+ people that they knew would be in Wash- ington for the protest. The police officers allowed individuals to come into the Capitol by moving barriers and not any force was used to stop them. Had they planned for this event they could have controlled the people, how- ever I believe there was some in- side help in creating this mess. If you watch how the police inter- acted with the people was unbe- lievable. They could have had police agencies from all around the area but, they didn’t. Are we to believe they had no idea what was about to unfold?
“We are in Tallahassee as of today, I’m concerned for our safety however, and we must stay vigilant and safe as we move around here in Tallahassee. I un- derstand there was a small protest here on that Wednesday of about 100 people. We cannot take any- thing for granted.”
“For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” - Matthew 12:37
“We all remember the childhood rhyme, “sticks and stones may break my bones; but words will never hurt me.” While catchy, it is clear that words can indeed cause great harm. This was evident in the events that occurred on Janu- ary 6th after the incendiary words spoken by the President of the United States. Because of words he spoke, chaos and insurrection ensued. Whether we submit to God in this life or not, we will all ultimately stand to be judged by our Creator for the words we have spoken. May we all take heed of the words we speak and may this President repent for his instiga- tion of violence.”
 Here are some comments from several people in the com- munity.
CASTOR (14th District of Florida)
“America is strong and will withstand a violent insurrection, but it requires all Americans to condemn the anti-democratic as- sault on the Congress and Capitol and stand up for truth. This do- mestic terrorist attack by racists and white nationalists was incited by Donald Trump who contin- ues to lie and claim that he didn’t
“Lastly, there is no compari- son between protests against po- lice brutality and the terrorist acts that took place (Wednesday) while Congress was in session.”
SEAN SHAW ...Former elected official and Attorney

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