Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 6-25-19
P. 4

State News
All About You
   FAMU Professor Elected President Of Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Society
   Barber Relocates
Nat the Barber has moved to: Mimi’s House Of Beauty, 3007 W. Cypress Street; Tampa. Tuesdays through Saturdays (813) 279-9589
 Florida A&M University (FAMU) Associate Professor of English, Veronica Adams Yon, Ph.D., has been elected the next na- tional president of the Alpha Kappa Mu (AKM) Honor So- ciety, Inc.
The election took place in Greensboro, N. C., during the Society’s 65th Convention.
The 93,000-member or- ganization celebrates the aca- demic achievements of juniors, seniors and graduate students in all disciplines. Yon’s four-year term as pres- ident will begin on August 1, 2019.
Founded in 1937, by George W. Gore, Jr., who became FAMU’s fifth presi-
VERONICA ADAMS YON ...National President, Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, Inc.
dent, AKM is the first honor society at a historically Black college or university (HBCU)
to be admitted to the Associ- ation of College Honor Soci- eties.
A graduate of Florida State University’s English Master’s and Doctoral pro- grams, Yon has held a vari- ety of roles since joining FAMU. She coordinated the University’s college prepara- tory English program from 2002 to 2003, directed the Composition Studies pro- gram for three years and later served as interim chair of the English Department, while being head of the WRC. Yon is credited with secur- ing approximately $1.5 mil- lion in Title III grants to open and operate the resource center.
    National Sunglasses Day Is Thursday, June 27th
  Millions of Americans will spend time outside enjoying the warmer weather this summer, making it even more important to sport shades that protect eyes from harm- ful ultraviolet (UV) rays.
Prolonged UV exposure can damage eyes and lead to more serious vision issues, in- cluding cataracts and macu- lar degeneration.
Studies show that while 70 percent of Americans use
at least one form of sun pro- tection for skin on a sunny day, only 27 percent wear sunglasses.
Do check the label for
UVA/UVB protection
Do wear sunglasses
during all sun exposure Don’t rely on dark lenses to properly shield
Don’t be fooled by
cloud cover.

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