Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 12-17-21
P. 8

  BUBBA Celebrates Youth And Community Achievements With ‘Sons In Suits’ Event
 Brothers United Building Brothers Alliance, Inc. (BUBBA), is back with its an- nual Sons in Suits: Com- munity Awards event to uplift and encourage men in the community. This year’s theme, “We’re Stronger To- gether,” speaks to the purpose of the evening to celebrate brotherhood, community and
overall excellence.
Proceeds from the event
will benefit the mentoring, tu- toring and community part- nership efforts of BUBBA, Inc.
“Sons in Suits” brings to- gether various male mentor- ing groups to honor them for their many efforts and initia- tives to develop young men in the Tampa Bay area. The em-
       JALEM ROBINSON ...BUBBA Founder
phasis on formal suit attire ex- poses the attendees to profes- sional wear, entrepreneurship, and educa- tion.
Awards given out at the event spotlight student achievement, mentorship, and local businesses in categories including the Booker T. Wash- ington Empowerment Award and W. E. B. DuBois Action Award.
BUBBA is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to engage, educate and encourage young men of color by improving their lives via various events, workshops and volunteer op- portunities.
BUBBA’s signature events include Father2Son: Crucial Conversations, Success Work- shops and Boys Night Out. All events include ways to cover
HENRY WASHINGTON, JR. ...Keynote speaker
issues concerning men and young men from underserved communities.
Hosted by Tampa’s very own MC Busta Bus, “Sons in Suits” will be a high energy and motivational experience. The event’s keynote speaker, Mr. Henry Washington, Jr., is currently the African- American Coordinator for the office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It is his goal to ed- ucate and empower students that have been historically overlooked and ignored in the educational system. He re- ceived the 2012- 2013 Ida S. Baker Award at Monroe Mid- dle School for his commit- ment and dedication to working with at-risk and mi- nority students. He has dedi- cated his life to educating kids of all walks of life and contin-
ues to promote his message that education is the key in- gredient to being successful.
In addition to being a ded- icated educator, he is also the author of the book titled “8 Blocks Education of the Hood Mentality.”
The “Sons in Suits” event will take place at TPepin’s Hospitality Centre on Sun- day, December 19, 2021, from 4-7 p. m. The program includes a social hour and vendor showcase, live music and dinner. To purchase tick- ets, and for more information on BUBBA and the “Sons in Suits” event, please visit www.bubbaoftampa .org, https://sonsinsuitstampa.eve or contact JaLem Robinson at 813- 391-1107. (See advertise- ment in this issue)

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